Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Political Relations Between USA and Mexico â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk about thePolitical Sciencefor Relations Between USA and Mexico. Answer: Presentation Mexico-United States relations would be characterized as the remote relations among the United Mexican States and the United Stated of America. These two nations share a nautical and the land outskirt in North America and have delighted in a one of a kind and thriving relationship over the previous decades. It was expressed by a notable position that the year 2015 would be started close by from a visit to Washington, D.C. Additionally, it would set out on some creative habits where Mexico and the US could fortify their bon so as to make North America the most prosperous and serious region around the world (Villarreal, 2016). The scope of U.S.- Mexican connections was wide and goes farther than political and civil servant affiliations. It requires wide-running benefit making, instructive, and learning ties, with certain 1.4 billion dollars of business which work the two different ways and a huge number of legitimate fringe intersections consistently (U.S. Division of State, 2017). It was in the year 2013, when the Vice President Biden and his Mexican system coordinating parts built up a High Level Economic Dialog (HLED). It was propelled to additionally raise and reinforce the U.S. Mexico common gainful and monetary affiliation. The HLED was additionally anticipated as a unique stage which was proposed to progress arranged money related and gainful primary concerns focal so as to underwrite joint monetary turn of events, work structure, and seriousness (Grobe, 2014). Mexico was seen to be the second-biggest market for send out in US (after Canada) and third-biggest accomplice to work together (after Canada and China). It was in the year 2013, that the common business for products and ventures expanded upto $550 billion. The U.S. advertise flexibly additionally has been believed to be tremendously needy upon the fares of Mexico, however the nation has likewise required growing its places for send out (Nieto, 2015). So also, the fringe region which was depicted as the 10 U.S. what's more, Mexican fringe states represents a shared occupant circuitous 100 million people and the universes fourth biggest country. Joint effort among the two countries next to the fringe contains the state and nearby issue-explaining strategies; transporting arrangement; and collaboration in associations that focus on asset, environmental factors, and medical issues. Be that as it may, both the nations have a long past of help on environmental and characteristic asset issues, explicitly in the fringe area, where there have been serious biological issues brought about by quick populace improvement, urbanization and industrialization. The relationship which exists between the two nations likewise has worked together about to start giving broadcast communications benefits in the provincial outskirts for over 50 years. Be that as it may, the current fringe contracts have explained its zone limitlessly as now it incorporates versatile broadband administrations likewise, for example, PDAs, and same electronic methods. Lawful and Illegal Migration Along these lines, inside the far reaching domain of the relationship which exists among US and Mexico, there has been a significant issue which remains alive among the two nations for example the movement of the Mexican occupants to US for work. At the focal point of America's unlawful movement emergency was the way that unlawful relocation was a job of legal relocation. As legal movement has been loose, unlawful relocation has drawn out adjacent to it. As they have been considered as cut out of the same cloth (Edwards, 2006). The relationship among the two nations was at the focal point of a merciless political argument about movement, business and national security. The current President for example Donald Trump accused Mexico of stealing U.S. employments and vows to build an enormous, striking, persuasive divider to confine attackers and crooks from stumbling the 1,951-mile outskirt among the nations. In the interim, the ex-President Obama, while censuring the scourge of maltreatment from Mexican medication collusions, and protected the U.S.- Mexico relations, by expressing that the principle character of the US was created by Mexican-Americans who have framed the way of life, government, exchange (Karaim, 2017). The consolidated perspectives underlined the multifaceted bunches and creating tensions among the two nations, a rising money related authority with an expanding white collar class however a state upset by supporting pay off and continuous medication related maltreatment. In this way, at whatever point issues identified with movement were being discussed then the time of nineteenth century was being concentrated as it was a valuable period. As, this timespan set out the commencement of the patterns of relocation that have end up being noteworthy in the course of the last 50 years, as they were isolated by significant levels of both legitimate and unlawful movement (American Diplomacy, 2012). In this way, movement from Mexico had been of crucial significance in the initial 3 many years of the twentieth century, yet the Great downfall upset the stream during the nineteenth century, with Mexicans and Mexican-Americans streaming southward either by pick or weight. This inclination toppled itself again with the foundation of World War II (Wooldridge, s2010). In 1942, the legislatures of the two nations started the bracero plan to get Mexican workers onto American ranches; accordingly a strategy of legitimate movement was opened as it would allow a huge number of Mexican guys legally to enter the US consistently. Also, unlawful relocation started to send space rocket to a huge number of people every year, a number that included females and children, instead of the roughly exclusively male nature of the legitimate movement (Bean Cushing, 2000). Additionally, the prevalence of hostile to movement feeling was seen in 1976, when Congressional endorsement of Law 94-571 revised the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act once. President around then likewise admitted to the point that it would impactsly affect Mexico, by establishing a quantitative limitation of 20,000 changeless citizenship licenses for all nations in USA, falling perceived Mexican movement by 60%. Modest Labor However, the vagueness that supported to allow Mexican movement to create was that no application to propel disciplines on the interest of US organizations for undocumented work was allowed. The progressions along these lines built up a free outperform for utilizing, and directors depended on old and inventive frameworks, just as those developed by transients themselves, to meet their needs of the average workers. Dynamically more in the administrations division the monetary action end up being progressively purposeful and employments as they were the prevalence all the more low maintenance errands. As expanding number of females fixed the work advertise so the staff that had been moved to the industrialized segment needed to reorder, separating open the most thought little of and undeveloped works in the part. This activity started to be involved significantly with Mexican evacuee representatives, regardless of whether perceived or not. Be that as it may, the imaginative high mastery administrations division demanded devoted and generously compensated representatives, yet in addition required a critical figure of insufficiently paid manual specialists, the two residents and outcasts, extra expanding the delineation of the working representatives. Medication Trafficking On the issues of the relations of the two nations were being reprimanded by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) association as it just serves the enthusiasm of the American inhabitants, while building the affluent increasingly wealthier and just giving paltry, in nature disconnected interests to the denied in Mexico (Roldan, 2015). In spite of the fact that NAFTA guaranteed to lessen movement toward the north, extended FDI, and actuated aggregate financial fortune in Mexico, such outcomes have not turned up. All things considered, this association has given fundamentally to a solitary market in explicit for example the unlawful medication exchange (McKibben, 2015). Before twentieth century, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI government assigned the fundamental medication dealing associations (DTOs) into its corporate plan. This affiliation was set up to be similarly useful as the PRI achieved consistency by maintaining the matter of medication by approving few associations of medication industry (Finckenauer, Fuentes Ward, 2017). These associations got advantage from the political power given to them, and furthermore the extreme continues accessible in the matter of medication. However, this change has molded a creative hazard. In any case, the association was altered basically by separating and growing their unlawful activities past the matter of medication to join grabbing, coercion, and so forth. In show disdain toward the triumph of NAFTA in heightening U.S.- Mexican organizations, its breakdowns have in the long run exasperated the current business of medication. End Thus, toward the end it could be finished up and seen that the long fringe stripe partitioning the two nations was a territory like no other in both the nations. From one perspective, the zone includes a high measure of cross-national social and gainful fuse and a custom of transboundary hitches. Then again, the overall limit partitions nations having extraordinarily unique political frameworks and levels of money related power, with the two capitals remote from the territories. In any case, it was reasoned that the Mexican movement to the US has molded the biggest one-sided relocation framework on the globe. The harshness of the budgetary, supporting and mutual terms in which the migration of Mexico to the US happens loads an examination of the entirety of the improvement structures relevant in the two nations. Likewise, the North American answer was basic to decide the issues that the nation was before as a result of the matter of medication. In any case, the Political transformation in Mexico additionally got encounters with changes land and water law, and so on. Also, these imaginative arrangements were all the while being counseled inside Mexico, and th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marketing and Furniture free essay sample
Haverwood Furniture, Inc. Opportunity-Charlton Bates as leader of the Haverwood Furniture, Inc. was acquainted with a limited time spending proposition by Mike Hervey and Bernham pioneers of their promoting program for 2008. The proposition recommended that the organization increment the publicizing uses by 225,000 and place that whole sum into the purchaser promoting program for advertisements in a few safe house magazines. The promoting program accepts that because of the children of post war America influence (gen X-ers speak to 47% of the U.S family units) as consumers’ age they will turn out to be progressively home arranged and supplant old less expensive furniture with new increasingly costly furnishings. The publicizing program accepts that more cash spent on promoting will decidedly influence brand picture, brand mindfulness, and so forth. Other than expanding the publicizing financial plan, John Bott the leader of deals accepts that including another salesperson is essential in light of the fact that the organization is anticipating 50 new bookkeepers of administration, all together adding more cash to the limited time spending plan. We will compose a custom article test on Showcasing and Furniture or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Causes-The family unit furniture industry assessed 31 billion dollars in producer costs in 2007 and dollar deals are required to develop by 4% percent in 2008. The evaluated cost for furniture was aggregated by three distinct classes of furniture: upholstered, wood, and amassed furniture. As indicated by Kerin and Peterson, every classification spoke to a level of the absolute family unit deals, upholstered speak to half, wood 40%, and every single other structure 10%; the room and lounge area furniture represented larger part of the deals. The producers for wood as of late have expanded their accentuation on quality and in 2007 the wood business developed by 2. 5%. Different causes to consider is that 1% of U. S household’s extra cash is spent for family unit furniture and home decorations and producers of family furniture spend roughly 3. 5% of yearly net deals for promoting of numerous kinds. The promoting that is spent for customers, lion's share are in cover magazines. The special proposition by the publicizing organization at Haverwood Furniture, Inc. needs to build the financial plan on account of the demonstrating factors recorded above.And as referenced, Haverwood Furniture, Inc. is a claim to fame furniture producer that objectives upscale customers and 58% of the customers get their thoughts from the display store and 45% purchase from the exhibition store. The exhibition idea is devoting a little piece of retail space in a store to Haverwood’s Furniture, Inc. These ideas dispose of contenders and include more center item. Suggested Solution-Haverwood Furniture, Inc. promoting authority group needs to expand the customer publicizing consumptions by 225,000. The organization feels by spending more money on publicizing prospers their brand.In 2007, all out industry deals for furniture makers was 31 billion dollars and is relied upon to increment by 4% in 2008. The expansion in promoting will go more to the haven magazines which issues studies on various components of furniture buys; a few studies assess factors when purchasing furniture, different studies question what is significant in purchasing furniture. Through research Haverwood Furniture, Inc. comprehends the significance old enough where purchasers in each age bunch are purchasing furniture, as 47% of the children of post war America time make up all U. S families. Today the people born after WW2 would be the 25 and more established age gathering. When inspecting Exhibit 4 on page 298 of the â€Å"Strategic Marketing†course reading, ages 25-64 are burning through $500 in addition to on furniture. Charlton Bates through research comprehends by the numbers that displays and upscale furnishings and retail establishments serve their focused on client; the 40-multi year old mortgage holders with a yearly salary more than 100,000 (U. S Department of Labor, U. S. Authority of Labor Statistics, 2007). Elective arrangements The elective arrangement would be to not utilize the entirety of the 225,000 for purchaser promoting and utilize 135,000 to employ another agent.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Medications Used to Treat Eating Disorders
Medications Used to Treat Eating Disorders Eating Disorders Treatment Print Medications Used to Treat Eating Disorders By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 07, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 20, 2020 JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Recovery from an eating disorder is challenging. If you or a loved one has an eating disorder, you may be wondering: Can medication help? The answer is complicated. Unlike most other mental health disorders that can be treated successfully by medication, eating disorders have not been found to be as responsive to medicine. However, some medications may be helpful for treating eating disorders and other co-occurring illnesses.?? For eating disorders, food (and the normalization of eating patterns) is the primary medicine. In some cases, psychiatric medication (such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, or mood stabilizers) can make therapy more successful.?? Many people with eating disorders also have problems with anxiety and depression and medication may help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. A thorough diagnostic evaluation with a psychiatrist is always recommended before beginning any regimen of psychiatric medication. Among other things, it can be important to determine whether anxiety and mood symptoms came before the eating disorder or could be symptoms of malnutrition. Anorexia Nervosa Medication should generally not be the initial or primary treatment for anorexia nervosa. While some success has been shown with pharmacological treatment for bulimia and binge eating disorder, there is far more evidence supporting nutritional rehabilitation and psychotherapy for treating anorexia nervosa, compared with medication.?? No medication has yet been FDA approved for the treatment of anorexia. Typically, when medication is prescribed, the primary goal tends to be weight gain. It is often prescribed for patients who have under-responded to nutritional restoration and psychotherapy. However, even in these cases, the efficacy of medication has not been well studiedâ€"treatment trials are considered difficult to conduct on patients with anorexia because these patients tend to be reluctant to take medication for fear of weight gain.?? There is some limited evidence that the second-generation antipsychotic medications (also called atypical antipsychotics), such as Zyprexa, can help lead to small weight increases. However, the mechanism by which these may work is not well-understood. Interestingly, even though patients with anorexia often have significantly distorted views of food and their body that seem similar to psychotic delusions, these symptoms do not seem to respond to antipsychotic medications. If antipsychotics are used, they are recommended to be used in conjunction with behavioral interventions that aim to help the patient achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Antidepressant medications typically do not help with weight gain, although they can be used to treat co-occurring anxiety and depression.?? Unfortunately, many medications do not seem to work well in patients with anorexia nervosa. This may be because starvation affects the function of neurotransmitters in the brain. Sometimes, benzodiazepines may be prescribed for use before meals to reduce anxiety; however, there is no research to support this practice and benzodiazepines can become addictive. Patients with anorexia nervosa are at risk for bone weakness (osteopenia and osteoporosis) and increased fractures due to malnutrition. This is often accompanied by the loss of a menstrual period (menses). Birth control pills are commonly prescribed by doctors in an attempt to restart menses and to minimize bone weakness.?? However, research has not shown this to be effective: birth control pills do not help with bone density and may mask the symptoms of anorexia by causing artificial periods. Ultimately, birth control pills are not recommended for purposes beyond birth control.?? Research reminds us that low bone density is best treated with weight restoration, which is, at this time, the only known way to normalize the hormones that contribute to bone weakening.?? Bulimia Nervosa Psychiatric medications have been shown to be helpful for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and are most often used in addition to nutritional rehabilitation and psychotherapy.?? Nutritional restoration is focused on establishing regular and structured meals. Medication alone is not usually recommended for bulimia nervosa unless a patient does not have access to psychotherapy and nutrition therapy. A primary goal of treatment for bulimia nervosa is stopping the bingeing and purging. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI antidepressants) are the most studied medication for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and are generally well-tolerated by patients.?? It is not yet known exactly why they work; it is hypothesized that in at least some patients the central nervous system serotonin pathways are disturbed. This class of antidepressants has been shown to reduce binge eating, purging, and psychological symptoms such as the drive for thinness. This class of medications has demonstrated helpfulness with improving co-occurring symptoms of anxiety and depression. Treatment studies show that SSRIs are most effective when they are combined with psychotherapy.?? Medication may make psychotherapy more effective for some. Medication alone is not as effective for most patients as psychotherapy alone. Medication may also be effective when combined with self-help and guided self-help approaches. Of the SSRIs, Prozac (the commercial name for Fluoxetine) is the most studied for the treatment of bulimia nervosa, and it is also the only medication specifically approved by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) for adults with bulimia nervosa. For these reasons, it is often recommended as the first medication to try. However, it should be noted that many medications are used by psychiatrists “off-label,†which is defined by the FDA as “use of drugs for the indication, dosage form, regimen, patient or other use constraint not mentioned in the approved labeling.†Research shows that if a patient with bulimia nervosa will respond well to Prozac, they will likely show a positive response within three weeks of taking the medication. It is important to note that multiple randomized control trials have established 60 mg of Prozac as the standard dose for bulimia nervosa.?? This is higher than the standard dose used for major depression (20 mg). If Prozac does not work, other SSRIs are often tried next. It is not uncommon for other agents, such as the anticonvulsant Topiramate, to be used off-label for bulimia. It is generally recommended that patients stay on medication for six to 12 months after achieving improvement on the medication. Binge Eating Disorder Medications seem effective in helping patients with binge eating disorder (BED) stop binge eating but do not generally produce the weight loss that is a common goal for patients seeking help for this disorder.?? For BED, three main classes of medications have been studied: antidepressants (primarily the SSRIs, including Prozac); antiseizure medications, especially Topiramate; and Vyvanse (an ADHD medication). As they do for patients with bulimia nervosa, antidepressants can be helpful in reducing the frequency of binge eating in patients with BED.?? They can also help to reduce obsessive thoughts and symptoms of depression. Topiramate can also help reduce the frequency of binges and may also reduce obsessive thoughts and impulsivity. Stimulant medications used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are noted to suppress appetite and so have been a recent focus of attention for the treatment of BED. Recently, Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine), an ADHD medication, became the first medication approved by the FDA for treating BED. It has been studied in three trials and was associated with reductions in binge episodes per week, decreased eating-related obsessions and compulsions, and produced small weight losses.?? There have been insufficient studies directly comparing medication treatment to psychological treatment for BED, but medications are generally considered less effective than psychotherapy. Thus, they should usually be considered a second-line treatment after psychotherapy, as an adjunct to psychotherapy, or when therapy is inaccessible. Warning About Wellbutrin The antidepressant bupropion (often marketed as Wellbutrin) has been associated with seizures in patients with purging bulimia and is not recommended for patients with eating disorders.?? A Word From Verywell In general, medication is not typically the primary, mode of treatment for an eating disorder. Medication may be helpful when added to psychotherapy or when psychotherapy is not available. Further, medication is often used when patients also have symptoms of anxiety and depression to help with these symptoms. However, medications can carry a risk for side effects that are not found with psychological therapies. Ultimately, the “medication†of choice for an eating disorder is food and normal eating.?? There are various treatments for eating disorders that are considered efficacious, including cognitive behavioral therapy and family-based treatment.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Importance Of Academic Integrity Essay - 728 Words
According to the online Oxford English Dictionary, integrity is the â€Å"soundness of moral principle; the character of uncorrupted virtue, esp. in relation to truth and fair dealing; uprightness, honesty, sincerity.†How does the dictionary definition of integrity apply to personal thoughts on academic integrity and the importance and impact of such? It provides a firm starting point for the effective communication of ideas (or ideals, in this instance). Academic integrity may mean different things to different people; some may doubt its importance or underestimate its impact while some may cling to it as one of the most critical aspects of their college community. On a personal level, however, academic integrity means holding oneself and†¦show more content†¦When students do not hold each other accountable and require each other to be honest, could there be any credibility? Other colleges would not accept grades on transcripts because there could be no guarantee th at the student did not just plagiarize their way through assignments. Workplaces would not accept degrees because they could not be certain that the student genuinely had the skills they needed. In order for anything to be considered as properly earned in a student-led honor system, the college and the students must have a strong sense of academic integrity and have a reputation for being an honorable community. Academic integrity affects more than just the collegiate experience, however. It impacts the campus community and becomes a cornerstone of the society. When the campus community values academic integrity, that respect bleeds over into other aspects of life. If students hold each other accountable for their academic actions, the same thought processes can be used to hold each other accountable for social actions. When a community requires each member to have a certain level of respect for each other-- respect that prevents students from taking each other’s work and pre vents students from allowing others to make bad academic decisions-- the respect goes beyond academic matters. When students respect one another, they will consider the needs their fellow students may have and they will help them become not only better students but better people inShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Importance of Academic Integrity1278 Words  | 6 Pagesthe resources you â€Å"borrowed†or quoted from the original author? Will anyone know if you submit a friend’s research paper? No one can see you taking an online test from your living room – should that change how you take a test? Who is hurt by academic dishonesty? Who cares if you steal test answers, falsify experimental data, cheat on an exam, or download information from a web site and turn it in as your own work? 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Comparing Lady of Shalott and Morte d Arthur Essay
Comparing Lady of Shalott and Morte d Arthur Lord Tennyson wrote both Morte d Arthur and The Lady of Shalott. He set both of the poems in medieval Camelot and describes knights and love. Both poems convey tragedy and loss. The Lady of Shalott is fated to die tragically and King Arthurs death is described being the end of Camelot and all that went with it. The Lady of Shalott is more of a fairy story with a sad ending, but Morte d Arthur is much more serious and sad from the beginning and deals with both the death of Arthur and the magic sword Excalibur. In both poems Tennyson uses language, mood and atmosphere to demonstrate a sense of tragedy and loss. In Morte d Arthur the landscape†¦show more content†¦Also the verses are very upbeat and written like a song. It is a very much happier poem than Morte d Arthur. The tone of the poem begins to suggest the tragedy when we learn that a curse is on here if she stay to look down to Camelot and she knows that she is cursed. This tells us that something bad will happen to her probably she will die if she breaks the rules and looks directly out of her tower down to Camelot. As the mood of the poem changes it makes you wonder what is going to happen to her. Also we learn that she only see things through a mirror and moving through a mirror clearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦shadows of the world appear. You begin to feel that she will break her curse by looking out of the window and her tragedy will begin to unfold. In Morte d Arthur, Arthur also feels that something will happen to him that is pre-determined by Merlin, the magician, so this is very similar to the Ladys premonition of her tragic fate. His sword, Excalibur, is a piece of magic in its own. It is beautifully described, it has lots of precious stones and jewels on it, and it glistens in the light. Bedivere is reluctant to throw away such a beautiful sword into a lake. In Lady of Shallot it is Lancelot that is described in this beautiful way his broad clear brow in sunlight glowed. Tennyson describes him and his horse in great detail and we see him as a bright and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
English 101 Free Essays
Although Mantsios does not focus on the Horatio Alger myth as does Harlon Dalton, both authors concern themselves with seeing beyond the myths of success to underlying realities. Compare the ways these two writers challenge the American mythology of success. Do these two authors complement each other or do you see fundamental disagreements between them? Whose approach do you find more persuasive, insightful, or informative, and why? For your post, you can choose to respond to any one of the above prompts. We will write a custom essay sample on English 101 or any similar topic only for you Order Now America historically owns the reputation of being the land of opportunity, and for generations immigrants have fled to the United States to experience the freedom and equality our government lays claim to. At the root of this reputation is the American Dream, the belief that with hard work anyone can succeed based solely on his or her merits, and is believed to be [American Dream] blind to race, sex, or socioeconomic status, conversely, repeated examples and statistics of the lower-classes, those continually facing the harsh reality that opportunity and equality are just myths, only prove the opposite. The truth of the matter is that influence of a class on an individual’s identity is greater than many would like to perceive. The main reason for this misconception is the fact that everyone wants to hear what they can accomplish and not what factors stand in their way, keeping them far from reality. The idea of what factors affect identity, and most importantly, what are the underlying realities of the American mythology of success has been touched upon by many writers, among them are Gregory Mantsios in â€Å"Class in America†and Harlon Dalton in â€Å"Horatio Alger. Even though these two writers have confronted the last topic [American mythology of success] in different ways complementing each other, I still believe that Gregory Mantsios has been more persuasive, and insightful on his approach. To prove that the American Dream is not equally attainable to all, and can only be a myth to the lower classes Mantsios provides many examples and statistical data. Many American believe that despite some economic differences, America is a â€Å"middle-class†society, and most have the means to live comfortably (306), however, as Gregory Mantsios point out, â€Å"There are enormous differences in the economic standing of American citizens†(Mantsios 308) â€Å"†¦. The middle class in the United States holds a very small share of the nation’s wealth and that share is declining steadily†(Mantsios 309). Education is known to be the key to success. However, due to unequal education in America, children are given dissimilar opportunities to achieve the American Dream. A study conducted by Richard de Lone of the Carnegie Council on Children revealed the effects of different learning conditions when he found a direct relationship between social class and scores on standardized tests such as the SATs (Mantsios 315). Fifteen years after the original study, College Board surveys expose statistics that continue to prove, â€Å"The higher the student’s social status, the higher the probability that he or she will get higher grades†(Mantsios 315). These examples and others are quickly used by Mantsios to establish facts on the American Dream myths, making his argument even more accurate. On the other hand, Harlon Dalton in â€Å"Horatio Alger†present his arguments base solely on the essay â€Å" Ragged Dick†by Alger. Although his difference of opinion is strong, it is still less persuasive, and consequently does not go further than just that [opinion]. Dalton first claims that a individuals success in life cannot be determined by that individual himself. He argues that racism and judgment have an influence on the success that a person can achieve in his lifetime. He introduces Stephen Carters â€Å"best black syndrome†saying that blacks are being recognized for being the â€Å"best black†as if they were competing against each other rather than against everyone (273). He [Dalton] also disagrees with Alger’s argument saying that everyone can reach his or her own true potential. Dalton, however, states that due to some economic circumstances, many people are never able to reach their true potential (274). Although all Dalton’s arguments are fair, and well presented, considering an audience like myself who have somehow experienced the social and income inequality in the United Sates, he would still need to enrich them with more stadistical as research evidence in order for him to bring the message to every individual from every social status. How to cite English 101, Essay examples English 101 Free Essays Linda Nguyen English 101 Three years ago my life changed dramatically. I was in college pursuing my bachelor’s for registered nursing when I found out I was pregnant. Right then I felt my dreams slip from under me. We will write a custom essay sample on English 101 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The scholarship I had worked so hard for, the job my dad slaved at over these past years to get me into the University I had begged him to send me to, all of that was gone. Fearful of the journey that had lain ahead for me; I had not yet planned what my next step in life was going to be. Nervous and scared, I built up the courage to tell my family. At first my dad was angry. Pacing back and forth with disbelief that something like this could happen. Then, when the anger subsided, he began to cry. As I reassured my dad that I would do my best to continue school, he explained to me that it was not sadness he felt, that it was fear. I was confused, why would my father be scared? Not understanding, I hugged him, comforting him. He then promised me that no matter how hard things got he would be there to help me. It was then that I decided that giving up was not an option. I would finish school and give my child a good future. As the weeks pass, waking up for class got harder and harder. Homework was a constant struggle. Sleep was all I wanted to do. I was still driven and determined to finish what was left of the semester, because I wanted to prove those who did not believe I would succeed. When the semester was over, I showed everyone that anyone can do anything they want if they put their mind to it. It was then time for me to prepare for the baby. I took the next semester off so I could have time to recover and rest after having my baby. October came around, and it was time to deliver. I anxiously tossed and turned in my hospital bed, while praying for a quick and easy delivery. The pain was overwhelming, like bricks being tossed at my body. After thirteen hours of labor, I had my six pound, nine ounce, beautiful little girl with me. I named her Alexandra Emily. I knew then that my life would be different, but I just had no idea exactly how different it would be. Even with the help and support of my family, taking care of Alexandra was not an easy task. I started working full-time to provide for my family. School was put on hold again. After three years, I had saved enough money to pursue school and further my education. Ready to embark on a new journey, I enrolled at a community college. I learned that through all of the hardships of motherhood and being an adult that it is never too late to pursue my dreams, no matter what the circumstances are. How to cite English 101, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
FAHRENHEIT 911 Essay Example For Students
FAHRENHEIT 911 Essay The title of Fahrenheit 9/11 is a play on the title of the famous Ray Bradbury novel, Fahrenheit 451 in which society has been transformed into an authoritarian, repressive regime, in which subversive ideas are crimes and books are burned. In the book, a lonely protagonist is awakened to this reality and joins the struggle to keep underground dissidence alive. In Michael Moores movie, he leads an above-ground assault on the Bush Presidency, questioning his legitimacy, his character, abilities and, most of all, his attempt to fight terror through the war in Iraq. And similarly, his method of attack is by trying to bring to light the facts that those in power have tried to suppress. Just like every Moore movie, it shows people looking stupid to humorous effect and it shows the heroic tales of common people who have suffered tragedy. And Moore blames their plight on the rich and powerful. In his other movies, the presidents of General Motors and the National Rifle Association, for instance, bear the brunt of his blame. In this movie, its George W. In its best moments, the movie is a strong, anti-war documentary. It has truly moving moments of bereaved loved ones, mangled bodies in the streets, incredulous soldiers in Iraq, angry Iraqis and innocent teenagers being manipulated into enlisting. In this way, the movie presents a version of the war on Iraq that isnt shown much in the media. It improves our understanding of the war by giving it a human face. Asking members of Congress to enlist their children in the war was a good idea, as it emphasized an important point of his: that its the poor and uneducated that fight the wars that politicians vote for. But it was probably one of those things that should have remained just a neat idea the actual confrontations are just embarrassing for Moore, the politicians and the audience. Perhaps its an embarrasing reality we all ought to face, but maybe its just tasteless. Either way, the point remains forceful: the heroism of all these disadvantaged young people should only be used as a last resort. But Moores movie isnt just an anti-war movie. Part of the movie is an attempt to question and expose the political images being projected. This starts off with a dreamy sequence of Al Gore celebrating victory in Florida that, Moore says, was manipulated by Fox television into a Bush victory. But its further emphasized by the Bush politicians getting their hair and make-up done before going on TV. And it takes on an insidious character when the misrepresentation, misinformation, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are exposed. The feeling we get is that theyre trying to paint over themselves and their policies. Moore also tries to reinforce the early image America was getting of the President, before 9/11: a man who bumbled and misspoke, whose ideas and agenda were almost none of his own doing and who, when tragedy struck, remained dumbstruck without anyone to tell him what to do. Whats most scary about the images of Bush is just how transparent it is that hes saying things he doesnt understand fully and how forced his attempts to stay on message seem. Perhaps we would all do and say stupid things if a camera followed us around all day-and Moore is an expert at finding and exploiting just these instances-but this is hardly reassuring. Moore also suggests that Bush didnt do enough to go after Bin Laden because of his family connections. The fact that the US sent in over 100,000 troops into Iraq and only 11,000 into Afghanistan to search for Bin Laden is certainly a telling statistic. But the movie labors to show business connections between Bush and Saudi Arabia, which might be relevant as one fact among many, but by spending so much time emphasizing it, it feels like an ad hominem attack: the Saudis come off looking demonized, as if it was bad to be friends with Saudis. Bushs connections are suggestive of ill-motives but do not form a strong argument about what his intentions actually were. .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .postImageUrl , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:visited , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:active { border:0!important; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:active , .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369 .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e027531677ff9bd39fe82e6abdd9369:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Christology EssayTo be fair to Moore, the Democrats are not presented well either, being shown as passive supporters of a wrongful war.
Friday, March 27, 2020
The Lady With The Dog 2 free essay sample
The Lady With The Dog # 8211 ; Anton Chekhov Essay, Research Paper The Lady With The Dog In the beginning of the narrative, Chekhov begins with the simple line, It was said that a new individual had appeared on the sea-front This transition shows that the local occupants of Yalta have discovered an foreigner, a individual they know nil about. Chekhov asks the reader to see who is she with and why is she at that place? The character of the crafty womaniser, Dmitri Gurov, besides asks these inquiries. When first reading I began to organize a certain sentiment of Dmitri. We know he is married and has kids. He besides admits to being unfaithful to his married woman on legion occasions. He appears to non similar adult females as he referred to them as the lower race. This feature of his personality leads to the brush between himself, the unfaithful hubby, and the immature cryptic Anna, in the gardens. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lady With The Dog 2 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If she is here entirely without a hubby or friends, it wouldn t be awry to do her familiarity. He stated of her. In the character of Dmitri, Chekhov gives a adult male who seems to contemn adult females ; he about ever spoke ailment of adult females However, I believe that this was an act that he showed. When he was in the company of adult females he felt free, and knew what to state to them and how to act ; and he was at easiness with them even when he was soundless. If Gurov regarded adult females as the lower race than why was he merely at remainder when in their company? In truth I think that he liked adult females, he needed adult females. The ground he puts on this tough cat act is because he has neer found a adult female that he genuinely loved. Every clip he had met a new adult female, he was tidal bore for life, and everything seemed simple and diverting. However, Every familiarity necessarily grows into a regular job of utmost elaborateness, and in the long tally the state of affairs becomes intolerable. Gurov did non cognize how to manage long complicated relationships that took work to keep. That is why his matrimony was a failure and unhappy. That is besides the ground why he ever became defeated and used adult females as a whipping boy. Dmitri is excited when he sees the new cryptic adult female ; he sees a new chance to get away the humdrum matrimony he is trapped in. Even though everything ever failed him before he was unconsciously compelled to seek and happen something that worked. After run intoing the lady with the Canis familiaris, he thought of her slender, delicate cervix, and her lovely grey eyes. Before he fell asleep though, he thought, There s something hapless about her, anyhow, as a reaction to what ever seemed to necessarily go on. He needs to protect his ain feelings. As Gurov shortly learns after he meets her, the adult female s name is Anna Serveyevna. She struck me as a really immature, na ve adult female who can sometimes be controlled by work forces. She was non certain whether her hubby had a station in a Crown Department or under the Provincial Council and was amused by her ain ignorance. She does non even care what her hubby s business is! She is non happy with her matrimony. She was diffident and did non look to be comfy around work forces. When she had her first conversation with Dmitri, she would reply him without looking at him as if glancing at another adult male was out. However, as the writer stated earlier in the narrative, Gurov knew how to near unfamiliar adult female and do them experience comfy in his presence. He was able to interrupt through Anna s shell and wheedle her into opening up and discoursing random things such as unusual visible radiation on the sea and how sultry it was after a hot twenty-four hours. As they continued to run into, Anna s passiveness continued to be reflected in the manner she acted. He asked her Where shall we travel now? Shall we drive someplace? to which her answers were mere silence. Again subsequently he drew his arm around her and kissed her and requested that they traveled to her hotel. Nowhere in the text does the adult female suggest anything. She neer appears to be the coquettish one interested in Gurov. Alternatively, she thinks of her high ethical motives and values. After their first sexual experience together, she described herself as a low bad adult female. She stated I despise myself and wear t effort to warrant myself. However, her passivity prevailed and she continued to care for the adult male who is non her hubby. She besides did non believe extremely of her hubby every bit much as she had thought she had when he took her, as his married woman. I was twenty when I was married to him. I have been tormented by wonder ; I wanted something better. she stated. She may hold been a governable adult female but she had found a adult male to command who was interesting and merriment to be with. Even though her beliefs pointed off from Gurov, he was able so sway her and convert her that she wanted to be with him. Finally Anna had to go forth the gratifying resort town of Yalta. Even though she enjoyed her clip with him, she still returns to her normal dry life with her hubby. It was the 18th century and as a adult female she is expected to be dedicated to her hubby and cipher else. At this point, I believe that Chekhov efforts to gull the reader. I think that he tries to set the reader in suspense and perchance believe that Anna has lost involvement of Dmitri. You don t know what Anna is believing because Chekhov merely allows the reader think these things by demoing you the interior of Dmitri s self-piteous ideas. He was move, sad, and witting of a little compunction. This immature adult female whom he would neer run into once more had non been happy with him ; he was truly warm and fond with her, but yet in his mode, his tone, and his caresses there had been a shadiness of light sarcasm, the harsh superciliousness of a happy adult male who was, besides, about twice her age. Dmitri is get do wning to experience regretful for himself and frustrated that one time once more a adult female he has cared for has non worked in his subconscious pursuit for a fulfilling relationship. If he can non be with Anna he does non desire to penalize himself with her invariably make fulling his head. As, a consequence he tries to force Anna out of his caput. Gurov goes for a long clip experiencing this manner about himself and yet he can non agitate the ideas of his lady with the Canis familiaris. He tries to comfort himself with people around him but to everyone else it is unimportant. It is besides hard to discourse with anybody because he is still married and he is entirely in this secret matter. All of these feelings he has led me to believe that Anna no longer cared for Dmitri. Finally he decides that he can non populate on without her. Before this idea occurred to him he became absorbed in Moscow life. He already felt a yearning to travel to eating houses, nines, dinner-parties, and anniversary parties in another month, he fancied, the image of Anna Sergeyevna would be shrouded in a mist in his memory. Yet, a month came and went and Anna neer left his memory. He was sick of his kids, sick of the bank ; he had no desire to travel anyplace or to speak of anything. Everything else in his life has become meaningless. What mindless darks, what uninteresting, uneventful yearss! The fury for card-playing, the gluttony, the inebriation, the continual talk ever about the same thing. These were the things that he had tried to busy himself with earlier. When Anna left he needed something to make full his nothingness and take up his ideas. Now he realizes that nil can take the topographic point of her. He needs to see her once more and as a consequence he travels to h er hometown to happen her. He arrived there merely to go a alien in uncomfortable milieus. Everything is unfamiliar and foreign and one time once more Chekhov nowadayss Dmitri s ideas to convert the reader that Anna is gone everlastingly. Dmitri walked up and down, and loathed the grey fencing more and more, and by now he thought testily that Anna Sergeyevna had forgotten him. Yet he has to at least see her in order to populate one time once more. When he sees her at the theater I think that the reader eventually realizes how suffering Anna is with her normal life with her bland hubby. He was described as a adult male who wasn t attractive and even worse a adult male who didn T wage attending to his married woman. At this point you can see that she is unhappy and that she still thinks of the clip she one time had with Dmitri in Yalta. In the terminal Dmitri is eventually able to face his job of covering with a complicated relationship. He eventually finds a adult female that will return his feelings and work along with him. Still though, I feel that the last sentence foresees problem in the hereafter. And it seemed as though in a small while the solution would be found, and so a new and glorious life would get down ; and it was clear to both of them that they had still a long, long route before them, and that the most complicated and hard portion of it was merely merely get downing. To me this sounded queerly familiar to all of the other adult female that Dmitri had fallen to in his yesteryear.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Theory of Ritualism by Robert Merton
Theory of Ritualism by Robert Merton Ritualism is a concept developed by American sociologist Robert K. Merton as a part of his structural strain theory. It refers to the common practice of going through the motions of daily life even though one does not accept the goals or values that align with those practices. Ritualism as a Response to Structural Strain Merton, an important figure in early American sociology, created what is considered to be one of the most important theories of deviance within the discipline. Mertons structural strain theory states that people experience tension when a society does not provide adequate and approved means for achieving culturally valued goals. In Mertons view, people either accept these conditions and go along with them, or they challenge them in some way, which means they think or act in ways that appear deviant from cultural norms. Structural strain theory accounts for five responses to such strain, of which ritualism is one. Other responses include conformity, which involves continual acceptance of the goals of the society and continued participation in the approved means through which one is supposed to achieve them. Innovation involves accepting the goals but rejecting the means and creating new means. Retreatism refers to rejection of both the goals and the means, and rebellion occurs when individuals reject both and then create new goals and means to pursue. According to Mertons theory, ritualism occurs when a person rejects the normative goals of their society but nonetheless continues to participate in the means of attaining them. This response involves deviance in the form of rejecting the normative goals of society but is not deviant in practice because the person continues to act in a way that is in line with pursuing those goals. One common example of ritualism is when people do not embrace the goal of getting ahead in society by doing well in ones career and earning as much money as possible. Many have often thought of this as the American Dream, as did Merton when he created his theory of structural strain. In contemporary American society, many have become aware that stark economic inequality is the norm, that most people do not actually experience social mobility in their lives, and that most money is made and controlled by a very tiny minority of wealthy individuals. Those who see and understand this economic aspect of reality, and those who simply do not value economic success but frame success in other ways, will reject the goal of climbing the economic ladder. Yet, most will still engage in the behaviors that are meant to achieve this goal. Most will spend most of their time at work, away from their families and friends, and may even still attempt to gain status and increased salary within their professions, despite the fact that they reject the end goal. They go through the motions of what is expected perhaps because they know that it is normal and expected, because they do not know what else to do with themselves, or because they have no hope or expectation of change within society. Ultimately, though ritualism stems from discontent with the values and goals of society, it works to maintain the status quo by keeping normal, everyday practices and behaviors in place. If you think about it for a moment, there are probably at least a few ways in which you engage in ritualism in your life. Other Forms of Ritualism The form of ritualism that Merton described in his structural strain theory describes behavior among individuals, but sociologists have identified other forms of ritualism too. For example, sociologists also recognize political ritualism, which occurs when people participate in a political system by voting despite the fact that they believe that the system is broken and cannot actually achieve its goals. Ritualism is common within bureaucracies, wherein rigid rules and practices are observed by members of the organization, even though doing so is often counter to their goals. Sociologists call this bureaucratic ritualism.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Reflection paper of being diabetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflection paper of being diabetic - Essay Example I knew I would not be able to remember all the information I was reading, but I would get an idea about the food items having more carbs and what I should avoid, if possible. The most difficult part of this assignment was that I had to monitor my intake of carbohydrates, fat and fiber. All these interacted and influenced blood sugar levels. I read the labels of all the food items that I was going to consume. In the absence of labels, such as fresh foods, I had a carbohydrate chart. I monitored my blood glucose levels at least twice a day and kept a record of such readings. Also, I had a tough time about checking my blood sugar and keeping it in proper range. Partly because I was embarrassed and I did not wish the people to judge or think that I was a real diabetic when they saw me doing it. The most difficult part was following a diabetic meal plan because it was related to self-management skills that I had to learn, live and stay with. Knowing what I should eat did not mean that I would eat that way. For example on some days I did not take the correct type of diet. I craved French fries often. I succumbed to that craving on rare occasions. I made sure that I counted it in my eating plan but it was hard for me. This experience has made me understand the difficult life of the diabetic people. I have really come to appreciate this assignment as it has enlightened me how lucky I am to be healthy and do not have diabetes. Also, this assignment has provided to me the details about this life-threatening condition by giving me stimulus for self-improvement and for obtaining perfect health. I hope that I can change my food habits for the sake of my health. There are resources available to educate one. Now I believe that if someone has symptoms of diabetes, he has to undergo tests right away and if found diabetic, take steps to control it and remain well-informed on this illness. They need not wait until they get too sick
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Teaching English to new arrival immigrants is problematic Research Paper - 1
Teaching English to new arrival immigrants is problematic - Research Paper Example One of the mishaps is that the immigrants make the language as a second language. The instance, therefore, creates the need to understand the background of the students and the consequent effects that the background has on a new course. Moreover, a prior analysis of the various misconceptions that learners have towards learning a second language is crucial with the aim of establishing the best of course of action. Other factors that may be of help in teaching English to immigrants is the consideration of the processes that involve the knowledge of English and consequently comprehend the wider scope that represents the cultural and social issues. The issues that shape up the acquisition of the English language by the immigrants is thus are a constituent of the essay. The article also articulates on the different solutions that are relevant in the complex process of the language learning. A summary appears at the completion of the document in an instance of giving a preview of the whol e document. Misconceptions misrepresent the needs of immigrant students and present simplistic approaches to second language learning and complicate the process of teaching and learning English. If students communicate in English, they have competence to use language in mainstream courses. Educators sometimes assume that if immigrant students can communicate in everyday life, they can have the competence to use language in an every variety of settings, especially mainstream course of English. However, there are gaps between everyday communication and mainstream courses language use for the second language learners (Cacden, 1988). These gaps occur because there are differences between home based and course-based value system and knowledge. Such Differences between home and English courses lead to difficulties for English language learners to access to academic and mainstream course language (Tharp & Gallimore, 1988). Based on this misconception, immigrant
Monday, January 27, 2020
Salt Concentrations on Germination of Seeds
Salt Concentrations on Germination of Seeds Through my research, I decided to use rye, oats and barley seeds because due to the increasing salinity problems, there would be future food shortages due to global warming damaging crops and the increasing human population. The seeds were treated with different salt concentration solutions of sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, calcium sulphates and bicarbonates. A Chi Squared test was done to find the relationship between each of the different salts concentrations and the germination rate. Experimental Hypothesis: Increasing the concentration of NaCl (sodium chloride) will have the biggest decrease in the number of germinations compared to increasing the other salt concentrations. Null Hypothesis: Increasing the salt concentration will have no effect on the germination of seeds. Dependent Variable: Seed germination rate Independent Variable: The salt solutions and salt concentration Through my intensive research I discovered there were currently major environmental factors regarding to the lack of plant productivity for crop production regions, but through this research I discovered one of the main factors was salinity in soil. Salinity in soil is a major issue for growing crops for most regions of the planet, especially the dry regions where the seed would lack water to grow. The farmers wont be able to cultivate their own crops due to seeds not being able to germinate as crop yield is decreased. However in some cases, if the seed does manage to germinate, the plant would often grow with many ion deficiencies. During my research I discovered a theory, which involved germinating a seed in seawater and it was told it had a huge effect on the seed. So I did research on seawater and compared and I discovered it had variety of different ions dissolved within the water. Furthermore, I also discovered that NaCl (sodium Chloride) was the most abundant ion dissolved in the seawater [6]. To test my hypothesis I will be using 3 types of cereal seeds, which are barley, oats, and rye seeds. Barley crops are very adaptable and can germinate very quickly between 1 to 3 days. Barley is normally grown in the temperate areas as a summer crop, but in the tropical regions its sown as a winter crop. However, Barley is more tolerant than other cereal seeds to soil salinity and also more susceptible to plant diseases [9]. Oats has may uses in food, so its vital to continue the supply for oats in the future, as global warming could affect the yield of oats produced, as oat seeds have greater tolerance of rain than any other cereal [8]. Furthermore, it has a lower summer heat requirement, which is why its more grown throughout the temperate zones, for example Northwest Europe and Iceland. Rye grows really well in much poorer soils than most necessary cereal grains, as its the most valuable crop in some regions. Rye withstands cold better than most grains, so farmers normally grow r ye in the winter, as in spring the crop finally develops [7]. During the 1800s, researchers discovered that plants absorb essential minerals as inorganic ions in water. So basically soil acts as a mineral nutrient reservoir, but the soil isnt essential for plant growth. The plant roots only absorb nutrients and minerals when the nutrient mineral in the soil has been dissolved in water, so its the same as a plant absorbing the mineral nutrients as inorganic ions. If the required mineral nutrients have been introduced artificially into the plants water supply, the soil isnt required any longer, this is called a Hydroponic. Most terrestrial plants (plants grown on land) can survive or grow using a hydroponic. [3] The advantages of using Hydroponics for food production are: no soil is required water stays within the system and can then be reused which will therefore lowering water costs Can be able to lower to control nutrition levels, which can also reduce nutrition costs Because of the controlled system, no nutrition pollution is released into the atmosphere Stable and high yields Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of because of the containers mobility Can be used in possible places where in-ground agriculture or gardening isnt possible [3] However there are disadvantages of using Hydroponics for food production such as: Since hydroponics conditions consists the presence of fertilisers and high humidity, it creates an environment that stimulates salmonella growth Pathogens attacks including damp-off due to Verticillium wilt caused by high moisture levels associated with hydroponics and overwatering of terrestrial plants. Many hydroponic plants requires different fertilisers and containment systems, which can be very time-consuming and expensive for someone thats setting the whole hydroponic [3] From my knowledge, I know that plant roots up take mineral nutrients by active transport. Active Transport is the movement of a substance against the concentration gradient using energy as ATP. Examples of substance which can also be taken up by active transport are ions, glucose and amino acids. Nonetheless, in my investigation I will also be looking at Osmosis and seeing so its affected throughout my investigation. Osmosis is the diffusion of water (movement of water) across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of a less negative water potential to an even more negative water potential area and this process a non-passive process (doesnt require energy in the form of ATP). The reason Im going to look at the effect of Osmosis throughout my investigation is because according to Muhammad Jamils journal Effect of salt stress on germination and early seedling growth of four vegetables species. It was stated in the journal that salt concentrations is a major contributor to the osmotic e ffect of ions on growth. Furthermore, it was also stated that high salt in the environment could lead to loss of water from cells which the cell undergoes plasmolysis, which even could lead to the death of the cell [5]. Seed Germination is the process in which the plant emerges from a seed or spore and begins growth. Seed germination depends on both internal and external conditions. The most important external factors include water (required for vigorous metabolism), temperature, oxygen and light or even darkness. The structure of the seed consists of a seed coat, which is the covering of the seed, which protects it from any kind of injury, and also the entry of parasites and prevents it from drying. Within the seed theres an endosperm, which is a temporary food supply thats packed around the embryo in the form of cotyledons or even seed leaves. Plants are classed as monocots or dicots depending on the number of cotyledons. The seeds which Im going to use (rye, oats and barley seeds) are monocotyledons. [2] Several factors which prevent the germination of seed include: Over watering can prevent the plant to get enough oxygen Dry conditions can prevent germination, as the seed wont get enough moisture If the seed has very hard coat not enough oxygen and water will be able to get through it Soil temperature can also effect the germination process, regardless of whether its too high or too low [2] Monocotyledon is one of the two major groups of the flowering plants, well other being dicotyledons. Heres a table comparing the two major groups of the flowering plants: Feature Monocotyledon Dicotyledons Number of parts of each flower In threes In four or fives Number of pores in pollen One Two Number of Cotyledons (leaves in the seed) One Two Arrangement of Vascular Bundles In The Stem Scattered Concentric Circles Roots Adventitious Develop from Radical Arrangement of major leaf veins Parrell Reticulate [10] [1] The steps of seed germination: Seed absorbs water and the seed coat bursts. Theres an activation of enzymes, increase in respiration and plant cells get duplicated. A chain of chemical changes starts, which leads to the development of the plant embryo. Chemical energy stored in the form of starch is converted to sugar, which is used during the later stages of the germination process. Soon the plant embryo gets enlarged and the seed coat bursts open. Growing plant emerges out. Tip of root first emerges and helps to anchor the seed in place. Also allows the plant embryo to absorb minerals and water from the soil. If a monocotyledon plant, the primary root emerges from the seed and fruit and grows down. The primary plants primary leaf grows up. Its protected by a cylindrical, hollow structure called coleoptiles. Once the seedlings have grown above the soil surface, the growth of coleoptiles is stopped and its pierced by a primary leaf. [2]
Sunday, January 19, 2020
An essay on dwarfism, telling the causes, symptoms, and treatments Essay
Dwarfism is a genetic abnormality, that results in short stature. Most people consider dwarfism to be an adult height of four feet ten inches and under. Someone can develop dwarfism from different genetic, and other conditions. It is estimated that between one in every 14,000, and one in every 27,00 people are born with dwarfism each year. There are many different conditions that cause dwarfism. Some of these conditions are a bone disorder called skeletal dysplasias. The skeletal dysplasias are separated into two different groups, Short-trunk, and Short-limbed. More than 500 different skeletal dysplasias have been discovered. The most common skeletal dysplasia is called achondroplasia, and occurs in one in every 20,000 births in the us, and affects about 80% of all people with dwarfism. Dwarfism occurs in all ethnic group. Any two average size parents can have a child with dwarfism. Most causes are genetic, resulting from a spontaneous mutation, or can be inherited from the parents. In a mutation a single normal gene in a chromosome suddenly mutates, which results in the specific condition. The mutations occur during pregnancy, and is the most common reason that two parents of average size can have a child with dwarfism. When dwarfism is inherited both parents have a recessive gene that produces a dwarfism causing condition, and both pass it on to the child, the child will have that condition. Symptoms that occur in most types of dwarfism are short stature, and shorter limbs, like arms, legs and fingers. These are the most recognizable. Others may include an increased risk of ear infection, and hearing loss, increased head size, a prominent forehead, apnea, which is a stop in breathing, while asleep, small ribcage, a curved and twisted spine, difficulty bending, and straightening elbows, being double jointed, and a delay in motor skills, such as sitting upright, crawling, walking, standing, a crowded jaw, and waddling when walking. The curving, and twisting of the spine, along with the loint problems may result in early arthritis. These symptoms occur in most types of dwarfism, but in some cases it does not. Although dwarfism may be detected with prenatal testing, most cases are not identified until after birth, by X-rays, and the child’s appearance. The is no known way to correct the results of dwarfism, but some examples of treatments are joint, and hip-replacement surgery, which relieve the pain in joints by reducing the pressure, of the unbalanced weight. Another treatment is limb lengthening. In this process bones are cut, and pins are inserted between them, making them longer. Limb lengthening is a very long painful, and complicated surgery, that may take more than two years to complete. The different conditions, caused by dwarfism vary from person to person, and most people with dwarfism carry out normal lives.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Alcohol Promotion and the Marketing Industry
Julie A. Novak International MBA Student York University Prepared for The Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in Ontario September 2004 Working to Reduce the Impact of Alcohol Advertising Acknowledgements ARAPO wishes to acknowledge the effort and contributions of the following individuals to this paper: Tom Appleyard, Alcohol Projects Manager, Ontario Public Health Association Ben Rempel, Alcohol Projects Consultant, Ontario Public Health Association Pat Sanagan, Co-Chair, Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in OntarioJulie A. Novak is an International MBA student, studying through the Schulich School of Business at York University in Ontario. Julie has also completed her Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Victoria. She has held positions in Public Policy in such places as Moldova and Geneva.This paper examines current marketing trends in the alcoholic beverages industry that can i mpact the public’s health and safety. It is important for public health organizations to be aware of trends common to the industry; this will inform and bolster their efforts as watchdogs to manufacturers and retailers of alcohol.The analysis describes the critical elements of the marketing mix, and makes a clear distinction between advertising and marketing. Advertising is an important part of the marketing mix; however, there are several other tactics and tools employed by marketers in the industry to influence consumer behaviour and to build strong brands. The paper reviews current trends in the alcoholic beverages industry generally, drawing specifically on some examples from the global beer industry.In the fight to increase market share, marketers will alter their marketing strategies in response to industry trends, seeking synergies that may exist between sponsorship and promotion. The paper also discusses the use of bottle labels for marketing alcohol products as an ex ample of the overlap of product and promotion. This leads into a discussion of the relationship between advertising and packaging and how they are used to encourage selection of certain brands over others. Advertising trends, such as sexually explicit content and low-carb and health conscious media messages are also addressed.These are variables in the marketing mix. The last section discusses the current guidelines concerning marketing and promotions and the position taken by various public health groups such as ARAPO (Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in Ontario) in response to the current trends and tactics used in alcohol marketing and promotion with specific attention to recommendations to regulators. 1 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The Canadian alcoholic beverages industry includes brewers, wine producers and distilled spirits manufacturers. Molson Inc. s the oldest beer brand in the Canadian brewing industry and a global brand name with products that include Molson Canadian, Molson Export, Molson DRY, Rickard's, and Brazilian beer brands Kaiser and Bavaria. Total net sales for Molson in 2004 – year ending March 31 – were $2. 5 billion. This amounted to annual profits of $2. 37 million1. Another Canadian favourite is John Labatt Ltd. , which is owned by the Belgium-based company Interbrew. The second largest brewer by volume worldwide, Interbrew owns a portfolio consisting of, among others, Stella Artois, Carling, and the popular Labatt line of beers.In 2003, Interbrew recorded a gross profit of â‚ ¬3. 6 billion, which resulted in a net profit of â‚ ¬505 million, after spending an incredible â‚ ¬1. 3 billion on sales and marketing2. The other three major players are Sleeman Breweries, Big Rock Brewing Income Trust, and the Brick Brewing Co. Sleeman, a specialty brewed premium craft beer, recorded annual sales of $1. 85 million in 20033. Big Rock Brewing Income Trust recorded net sales of $28 million in 20034. The Brick Brewing Co. , resp onsible for Formosa and Red Cap brands among others, recorded gross sales of $11. million for the second quarter of 2004. This resulted in a record net income of $832,000 over a three-month period5. The Association of Canadian Distillers is the national trade association representing Canada's major distillers. The distilling industry has been estimated to generate $2. 6 billion worth of economic activity. Distillers include, among others: Bacardi Canada Inc. ; Canadian Mist Distillers, Ltd. ; Hiram Walker & Sons, Ltd. ; Corby Distilleries, Ltd. ; Diageo Canada, Inc. ; and Schenley Distilleries Inc.These distillers produce popular spirits including Brandy, Gin, Cognac, Vodka, Rum, and the ever-popular Canadian Whiskey, Canada’s most established domestic and exported distilled spirit. Since 1840, there have been over 200 whiskey distilleries operating throughout the country, as Canada has gained recognition as a producer of high quality whiskey. This reputation has resulted in billions of recorded sales for the Spirits industry. For example, Diageo recorded sales of US$ 15. 6 billion in 2003. Domestic and imported spirits sales for 2003 were recorded at nearly 15 million cases (12 – 750 ml. ottles)6. The Canadian Vintners Association is Canada’s national association of vintners, representing 34 wineries and producing about 90% of Canada’s total wine production and export. Winery members include, among others, Jackson-Triggs, Peller Estate, and Hillebrand Estates. Total Canadian wine sales for 2002, was 267 million litres7. Molson Annual Report (2004). Interbrew Annual Report (2003). 3 Globe Investor (2004). 4 Big Rock Brewing Annual Report (2003). 5 Just-drinks. com (2004). 6 Association of Canadian Distillers (2004). 7 Canadian Vintners Association (2004). 1 2 1. 1 Marketing – A Definition The difference between marketing and selling is more than semantic. Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the needs of t he buyer8. According to the Business Knowledge Center, â€Å"the Marketing Concept is the philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs better than the competition. †9 Additionally, despite misconceptions, marketing is not always advertising. In fact, advertising comprises only a small part of the overall marketing mix.The variables of the marketing mix will manifest in unique ways depending on industry characteristics as they are heavily influenced by local and global industry trends. 1. 2 Building Brand Community Building brand loyalty is key to the success of the marketing concept. Developing and exploiting crucial relationships among the customer and the brand, the customer and the firm, the customer and the product in use, and among fellow customers10 is a strategy that leads to a belief that the buyer is part of a specific brand’s â€Å"community†.These relationships are important because t hey enable marketers to create brand loyalty and customer retention, which yield the promise of long-term profitability and market share11. Like a social community, the brand community tends to be identified on the basis of commonality or identification among its members12. The brand community members identify through devotion to particular brands or consumption activities, which are connected to other symbols in the marketplace13.For example, a product that is endorsed by a popular celebrity or professional athlete will appeal to certain brand communities or target markets, but not all. Responses to marketing influences may be cognitive, emotional or material in nature and, ultimately, customers will value their relationships with their branded possessions and with marketing agents14. The basis for community identification can be on wide-ranging commonalities that are difficult to detect. The stability of a brand community through time is an asset to marketers inasmuch as longevity equates with a stable market.Additionally, if marketers are able to successfully identify where a potential brand community exists, they can use it to bolster their marketing efforts and build brand loyalty. Furthermore, marketers will tailor their strategies such that they resonate with particular existing communities. If used effectively, this knowledge can be a powerful tool for marketers, as they will have greater insight into some of the motivations behind consumer behaviour. 1. 3 Global Alcoholic Beverage Perspective It is impossible to discuss the Canadian alcoholic beverages market without considering the global perspective.In particular, the global beer industry is facing increasing pressures 8 Levitt (1986). Business Knowledge Center (2004). 10 McAlexander et al. (2002). 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 9 3 of internationalization and consolidation, which are both the result and the cause of industry-wide mergers, acquisitions, partnerships and strategic alliances. Fac ing low prospects for volume growth in mature, developed markets and increasing competition, brewers continue to seek growth through acquisitions of other brewers or by aggressive participation in developing markets15.Indeed, the top ten brewers worldwide now account for more than half of the entire world’s beer, which is an industry first16. Given the lack of volume growth opportunities in the North American market, the industry trend of increased marketing and advertising spending continues as companies try to differentiate their brands in a highly saturated market. Not only is the market saturated, but the marketing media are cluttered. In order to achieve standout in a cluttered industry, breweries continue to develop creative ideas that generate excitement around their brands.Smaller breweries, in particular, try to increase brand recognition through provocative or racy ad campaigns since they cannot hope to compete on the same scale as their larger competitors with resp ect to the total amounts spent on marketing and advertising. 1. 4 The Marketing Mix It is important to understand all of the variables that comprise the marketing mix, or the 4Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The 4Ps are the variables that marketers can control in order to best satisfy the customers in the target market17.First, the product is the physical product or the service offered to the consumer, which can include additional services or conveniences that are part of the offering. Marketers can adjust certain product characteristics such as the functionality, appearance, packaging, brand, quality and service. The second variable, price, reflects company considerations such as profit margin and competitor pricing, including discounts. Third, place refers to the decisions associated with channels of distribution that act as a means of reaching the target consumers.This includes the channel members along the supply chain, market coverage and the various servi ce levels. Finally, promotion decisions are all those that relate to communicating and selling the product to potential customers. These may include advertising, personal selling, media, public relations and budget. Thus, marketing is a multi-dimensional function that yields a variety of effects. In the alcoholic beverages industry, a mature and highly competitive market, companies experiment with their marketing strategies regularly.The focus of this paper is primarily on promotion and product and, specifically, how these two variables are manipulated in tandem by marketers to create powerful marketing strategies. 15 16 Todd (2004). Ibid. 17 McCarthy (1975). 4 1. 5 The Impact of Advertising on Consumption and Related Problems Alcohol advertisers use effective advertising techniques to reach the youth market. Such techniques link alcohol to physical attractiveness and sexiness, promote age identification through the use of spokespeople, and use humour, music and popular culture icon s18.In 2002, $160 million was spent on alcohol advertising in Canada19 and alcohol appears in approximately two thirds of all programs watched by Canadian teens at an average rate of 8. 1 drinking references per hour20. The consequences of alcohol advertising on public health and safety are considerable. Alcohol use plays a substantial role in all three leading causes of death among youth – unintentional injuries (including motor vehicle fatalities and drowning), suicides and homicides21.Alcohol advertising is linked to patterns of heavy drinking, drinking in dangerous situations and deaths from alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes22. In one study, the chances of drinking alcohol rose by nearly 10% for teens who watched an extra hour of regular television programming per day23. 2. 0 CURRENT MARKETING TRENDS 2. 1 Synergies Between Promotion and Sponsorship Currently, a dominant trend in the alcohol industry is a link between promotion and sponsorship. Companies are attempting to capitalize on the ynergy that exists in this area as they move deeper into the global arena to achieve a greater return on their marketing expenditures. The term synergies denote opportunities for collaboration in which the result that can be achieved is greater than the sum of the individual efforts. An example is the positive spillover of media exposure that results when a brand becomes the official sponsor of an international sporting event, especially one with wide television coverage. In effect, this amounts to a cost-effective marketing campaign for the sponsoring company, assuming the outcome is consistent with the overall brand identity.Another factor contributing to the drive for synergies is the seasonality of this industry. Manufacturers prepare for the summer beverage-selling season by ramping up production, increasing their marketing and seeking sponsorship deals, which act as promotional vehicles for new launches and summer products. Sponsorship agreements with int ernationally recognized sporting events help to enable a brand to stand out among the clutter. McKenzie (2000). AC Neilson (2004). 20 Robinson et al. (1998). 21 AMA (2003). 22 McKenzie (2000). 23 Robinson et al. (1998). 19 18 2. 1. 1 Sports Sponsorships Alcohol manufactures are increasingly seeking contracts for official sponsorship of highprofile sporting events as they realize the opportunities for synergies between promotion and advertising. The Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, produced by Advertising Standards Canada states: â€Å"products prohibited from sale to minors must not be advertised in such a way as to appeal particularly to persons under legal age. [And] people featured in advertisements for such products must be, and clearly seen to be, adults under the law24. High profile sports sponsorships with a heavy advertising component risk being in violation of this regulation. Two of the major international sporting events in Canada, the Roger’s Cup in Montre al and the Tennis Master’s Series in Toronto are sponsored by breweries. Sleeman is the official sponsor of Tennis Canada in Montreal; Heineken, which is part of the Molson portfolio of brands, is the sponsor in Toronto. The situation in Canada reflects a global trend. In late 2003, Heineken signed a deal with the British Olympic Association (BOA) for exclusive sponsorship rights.The deal is part of a â‚ ¬50 million global investment by the brewer25, giving the company exclusive rights to the BOA logo. Sponsorship deals are considered an opportunity for alcohol manufacturers to establish global brand recognition in a competitive industry. With huge budgets behind sponsorship deals, and the wide international exposure that results, it is very difficult for watchdogs to monitor the visibility of alcohol brands. The clientele and audiences at sporting events such as the Olympics are of all ages, youth included.Therefore, limiting exposure of beer ads only to legal age consume rs is nearly an impossible undertaking. In April of 2004, NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) in the US was strongly considering changing its policy to allow hard-liquor brands to sponsor teams in its top tier Nextel Cup Series26. Though such a move could alleviate sponsorship problems for some drivers, it could threaten NASCAR’s desire to become more family friendly. With this in mind, NASCAR rejected Diageo’s bid to become official sponsor.This move did not prevent Diageo from landing a sponsorship deal: the company secured a top sponsorship contract for its brand Crown Royal. Crown Royal was signed to be the title sponsor of the International Race of Champions (IROC), one of the NASCAR events. This marked the first time a hard-liquor marketer was allowed a title sponsorship for any sport, although Diageo’s Smirnoff Ice Triple Black brand has sponsored individual drivers. However, when Diageo's Crown Royal brand signed on as the title spons or for the IROC series in January, NASCAR reiterated its ban on sponsorships from hard liquor and chewing tobacco companies.NASCAR has a long history of partnering with beer marketers for races, but accepting hard-liquor brands would be a complete reversal of NASCAR’s position. Such changes in sports sponsorship have vast implications for industry players, marketers and public health groups. In the case of Diageo, the sponsorship deal is one step toward 24 25 Advertising Standards Canada (2004). Anonymous (a) (2003). 26 Thomaselli (2004). p. 1 6 the achievement of the company’s long-term goal of leveling the marketing playing field with beer. 7 As an example, with the three-year deal, Crown Royal will have extensive television exposure, since IROC just sealed a one-year TV pact with Speed Channel, a cable subsidiary of News Corp. ‘s Fox28. Such exposure is difficult to track and, thus, even more difficult to regulate. Although spirits have so far been prohibited from becoming sponsors, hard-liquor companies can, and have, used their malt beverage products or RTD (Ready to Drink) products29 as sponsors. Diageo's Smirnoff Ice, for instance, is one of the sponsors of driver Matt Kenseth, last year's NASCAR champion. . 1. 2 Promotion and the Entertainment Industry Another advertising tactic used by liquor companies is cross-promotion with the entertainment industry. This could include joint promotional campaigns between film studios and alcohol brands or between liquor companies and music tours and concerts. An example is the recent collaboration between Adolph Coors Co and Miramax’s â€Å"Scary Movie 3†, which was released at the end of 2003. Coors not only advertised around the promotion of this film, but it also had its spokeswomen, the Klimaskewski twins, appear in the film itself30.This technique is another way for companies to realize synergies in marketing and promotion, as there exists the potential to reach a broader audi ence than could be reached through a simple television commercial or magazine ad. In this case, Coors was attacked by the Marin Institute – a public health and safety group – for its involvement in the film promotion. The Marin Institute accused Coors of defying the alcohol industry’s guidelines by promoting its connection to this film31. Given the PG-13 rating of the film, there was no way of ensuring that under-age viewers were not exposed to the ads.In the music industry, there are many examples of activities involving cross-promotional campaigns with alcohol companies. These campaigns are used to achieve synergies from the combined effect of promotion and advertising. Molson Canadian uses this technique regularly, teaming up with Napster to provide music downloads and other special music offers. The company launched a campaign contest that involved the giveaway of a â€Å"Molson Canadian Rocks Summer Soundtrack, as well as weekly chances to win concert tick ets†32.Trends in promotion and sponsorship in the alcohol industry are of concern to public health groups because they have the ability to reach a wide audience, with little or no regulation. Other forms of promotion and sponsorship exist, however a description of each is beyond the scope of this paper. 27 MacArthur (2004). Ibid. 29 RTD: Ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages, such as Smirnoff Ice and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. 30 MacArthur (2003). 31 Ibid. 32 Molson Insider (2004). 28 7 3. 0 ALCOHOL MARKETING AND THE INTERNET Alcohol companies are using digital marketing as a medium.The Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) in the US found that alcohol company websites have sizeable youth audiences and contain content that is attractive to youth33. In particular, games, cartoons, music and a variety of high-tech downloads fill many of these sites. In addition, programs designed to allow parents to block their children’s access to these sites often fail to do so34 . In fact, fifty-five alcohol websites tracked by comScore Media Metrix during the last six months of 2003 had almost 700,000 in-depth visits from underage persons35.Alcohol websites continue to be a cyber playground, with many features attractive to youth36. CAMY executive director Jim O’Hara identifies content such as customized music downloads, instant-messaging accessories and games including putt-putt golf, football and spin the bottle37. A recent website probe done by the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Division of Advertising Practices in the US found that both Coors and Anheuser-Busch have sites with downloadable music, online games and ring tones38.In fact, as teens start to log more hours surfing the Web than watching television, CAMY and other groups are calling for more regulation on the largely unregulated medium. Jim Hacker, director of the Alcohol Policies Project at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, asserts, â€Å"The industry should remo ve themes, music, language and attractions that clearly appeal to underage people. †39 A key issue for health and safety groups is the ease of foiling the age requirement for viewing beer company websites.An age bar is supposed to weed out youngsters who find the sites attractive, but the investigation discovered that online forms can inadvertently â€Å"tip†kids to fill in fake answers. The trade journal Brandweek visited two websites, Coorslight. com and Budweiser. com and was able to enter several fake birth dates from the same computer, gaining access each time40. When questioned, John Kaestner, VPconsumer affairs at Anheuser-Busch, said the brewer had followed federal guidelines in its age-check system. Other websites attracting attention from the FTC are Bacardi. om, Skyy. com and the Anheuser-Busch site BudLight. com, according to a study by CAMY 41. The claim is that these sites had the highest percentage of underage people making an in-depth visit during the s econd half of 2003. The findings, which were released in March 2004, showed that 59 percent, 47 percent and 34 percent of visitors who looked at three or more pages on those previously mentioned sites were underage42. Overall, minors initiated 13. 1 percent of in-depth visits to the 55 branded alcohol sites included in the study. 33Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (2004). Ibid. 35 Ibid. 36 Mack (2004). 37 Ibid. 38 Edwards (2004). 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 34 8 This trend is especially worrying for public health and policy groups since the Internet knows no boundaries, and its content is therefore very difficult to regulate. Alcohol advertising on the web and music downloads have the power to reach all Internet users around the world, of any age. 4. 0 -THE ROLE OF LABELING AND PACKAGING IN ALCOHOL MARKETING The alcohol industry relies heavily on the use of labeling and packaging as a irectmarketing tool in the promotion and differentiation of its products. One of the obstacles facing design marketers is that while standout is paramount, they are all starting with the same structure: a simple bottle or can43. Since it is not possible to have a vastly different pack, companies differentiate themselves with creative labels or packaging. Marketers in the alcohol industry aim to create synergies among label designs, packaging and advertising, such that the overall brand image more quickly achieves wide recognition.The intended result of this coordination is a more effective and integrated means for alcohol companies to communicate with their consumer base, thus encouraging the selection of their product over another. If the product already has a strong brand identity, it is not critical to feature the pack in the ads. In this case, the advertising may be used to communicate other elements of the brand message to create the desired reputation and image with the target audience44. On the other hand, including a shot of the bottle in ads will enhance br and awareness at point of sale and ensure a more integrated approach to branding45.Approximately 60 percent of people in bars and pubs have not decided what drink they want until after they get there46. This is an enormous opportunity for brands to reach their target markets directly at the retail level with eye-catching labels that resonate with consumers. Product labels are the final point of brand contact between the company and its customers before the purchase is made. Thus, a brand’s name and how it is shown on the label can be an effective way of generating sales. The main challenge is finding a way to differentiate a standardized product while developing a strong, consistent brand identity.This is an example of the interaction of product and promotion, two elements of the marketing mix. Some of the methods used in the ready-to-drink and premium beer sectors, for example, include shrink-wrapping, bright colours and innovations such as metallic-effect labels47. In addit ion to a unique label, a catchy name, such as Smirnoff Ice or Mike’s Light will add symbolism and help increase standout and attract consumers. Brand awareness is critical for alcohol companies, and developing a strong brand is especially vital for new brands.The rationale for coordination between promotion and product is that young people, and other potential consumers, will see the campaign in Edwards (2004). Brabbs (2002). 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 44 43 9 cinemas and style magazines and more easily recognize it from other advertising media 48 . An additional reason to invest in labeling and packaging is flexibility. A shrink-wrap sleeve can be changed frequently, allowing the brand to adapt its appearance more easily to changing styles and trends.Unusual colours or unique label designs can help encourage selection of one product over another at the retail level. The techniques used by marketers are very subtle, such as borrowing design language from parallel markets for encouraging cross purchasing such as â€Å"Atkins friendly†, â€Å"light†or â€Å"low-carb. †Finally, if a particular brand is experiencing low or declining sales, a company can easily reposition it by superficially altering the image and, hence, reinventing a product to reach a new market. 5. 0 TRENDS IN ADVERTISING TECHNIQUESCertain techniques are used by advertisers to attract and engage consumers to their products. These have traditionally included such techniques as humour, sex appeal, popular music, describing benefits of the product, and creating a fun, enjoyable atmosphere. These techniques are used very effectively by alcohol advertisers as well, as they create a high ‘liking’ of advertisements among consumers49. High levels of effective alcohol promotion inculcate pro-drinking attitudes and increase the likelihood of heavier drinking50.For these reasons, the irresponsible use of advertising techniques is a growing concern among health an d safety advocates. 5. 1 Sexually Explicit Content The alcoholic beverages industry has long been accused of exploiting male sexual fantasies in order to advertise its products. However, this approach has recently, in some opinions, reached new levels of exploitation. Early in 2004, Labatt Breweries of Canada aired an ad during the January Super Bowl telecast that caused industry watchdogs to protest.The ad featured two beautiful women kissing, ostensibly to share lip-gloss51. Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) received 113 complaints about this ad in the first quarter and it was soon taken off the air52. The ASC reported that there was nothing wrong with the ad, other than it should run after 9:30pm. This ad is representative of the ‘simulated lesbianism’ trend in beer advertising, clearly a ploy to reach the male heterosexual audience. Labatt is not the only brewery to take this approach.During the same time period, Moosehead Light of New Brunswick launched a series o f ads called â€Å"Enjoy the Nature. †In one of the ads, two men look on and crack open beer cans as two beautiful women dance sensually together in the forest. Ibid. Grube (1996). 50 Babor et al. (2003). 51 Brent (2004). 52 Ibid. 49 48 10 5. 2 Low-Carb Phenomenon & Health Benefits Alcohol marketers must understand the psycho-behavioural forces influencing choice in order to devise effective marketing strategies. These forces are not easily identifiable in any industry.The beer and alcohol industry is not an exception and alcohol marketers have been slow to discern which factors most significantly influence brand selection. Although the sexual angle remains very common in alcohol promotion, the industry seems to be shifting gears. Instead of trying to titillate men by invoking male fantasies, marketers are now instilling fear in them about getting fat. In a feature article the Financial Times reported that beer marketers in the US have made an intriguing psychosexual discove ry about male insecurity53.The argument advanced is that men are increasingly more concerned with what they look like than how they will perform in the bedroom. Beer brands such as Anheuser-Busch’s Michelob Ultra, Coors Light and SABMiller’s Miller Lite are focusing their advertising on the millions of Americans on low-carbohydrate diets, which they have realized does not include only women. By contrast, marketing campaigns linking beers to explicitly sexual imagery have been less effective54. The implication for public health groups is that efforts aimed at regulating sexual content should be reexamined.It is possible that a greater impact could be achieved through aggressive targeting of ads that portray a health or nutritive benefit of alcohol consumption. As an example, Coors, the third-largest US brewer55, recently developed new ideas for its low-calorie Coors Light. The two-year campaign featuring scantily clad women and rock music was unsuccessful in increasing beer sales for the company. Beer companies are slowly discovering that sexual appeals are fun and diverting but they rarely change consumers’ brand preferences. The idea that â€Å"light beer†is less macho and thus less likely to appeal to young men is fading.In fact, it is difficult to think of a major beer company that has not introduced a low-carb brand. The success, in general, of low-carb offerings is evident in food store data compiled by AC Neilsen. In the four weeks ending June 12, 2004, sales volumes were up 56 percent for Michelob Ultra and 15. 6 percent for Miller Lite56. For Coors Lite, which has been slower to alter its marketing campaign, sales volumes were down 2. 7 percent57. Major breweries are responding to evolving consumer demands and are providing what could be the emergence of a new sub-category of beer58.As more companies enter the low-carb market, the competition increases for market share. This translates into bigger marketing and advertising budgets as companies fight for a larger slice of the market. The latest focus on a more health-conscious lifestyle has shifted the marketing emphasis away from sensuality and sex to body image and achieving athletic success. Some 53 54 Silverman (2004). Ibid. 55 Coors merged with Molson in July 2004. The new company is the 5th largest Brewery by market share worldwide. 56 AC Neilson (2004). 57 Ibid. 8 Brieger (2003). 11 industry experts expect this trend to stick around if not because of Atkins devotees but because of aging baby boomers, who tend to prefer light and low-carb beers59. The way forward in the alcoholic beverages industry will be through low-carb advertising, which can be seen as a serious response by the beer industry to a common male anxiety about growing fat, the proliferation of a healthy lifestyle among consumers, and the widespread belief of certain health benefits in drinking a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate beverage60.The low-carb trend is not exclusive to the be er industry. In May of 2004, the Vancouverbased Marc Anthony Group launched a new vodka-based beverage called Mike’s Light, which was targeted at the millions of Canadians on low-carb diets. The lemon-lime beverage, which is part of the ready-to-drink (RTD) alcoholic market, contains just one gram of carbohydrate and 76 calories and is expected to bring new drinkers into the market61. Already, the RTD market in Canada is estimated to be worth $450 million per year in sales.Additionally, with its low- calorie and low-carb options, the RTD market has the potential to increase consumption of alcoholic beverages as consumers switch from light soft drinks to lighter malternatives62. Marketers in this industry are deliberate in promoting RTD products as alternatives for the health and weight-conscious consumer. It is misleading for brewers to promote low-carb beer as being â€Å"Atkins friendly†or as having overall health benefits and doing so goes against the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s 2003 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising. Under these guidelines, lowcarbohydrate claims are not approved.Similarly, according to Advertising Standards Canada, â€Å"No advertisement shall be presented in a format or style which conceals its commercial intent†63. This pertains to misrepresenting beer as having health or athletic benefits. The low-carb claim is of concern to public health groups such as ARAPO because it is both misleading to consumers and has the potential to influence consumer behaviour. 6. 0 ACTIONS TO ADDRESS CONCERNS ABOUT THE MARKETING OF ALCOHOL There have been several responses to concerns about the impact of alcohol marketing ranging from education and awareness to legal action and civil suits.Internationally, there are groups that advocate changes in alcohol marketing regulations as well as educate professionals and the public about the risks associated with a proliferation of alcohol marketing efforts. These include: G lobal Alcohol Policy Alliance (UK): www. ias. org. uk Eurocare – Advocacy for the prevention of alcohol related harm in Europe (Europe): www. eurocare. org Center for Science in the Public Interest – Alcohol Policies Project (US): www. cspinet. org Ibid. Business World (2004). 61 Bellet (2004). 62 The market or ready to drink alcoholic beverages is called the malternative market in the US. 63 Advertising Standards Canada (2004). 60 59 12 BeerSoaksAmerica. org – A Response to beer company propaganda (US): www. beersoaksamerica. org The Marin Institute (US): www. marininstitute. org Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (US): www. camy. org In Canada, there are guidelines for advertisers that outline what are considered appropriate tactics for marketing products. These guidelines can be found on the Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) website (www. adstandards. om) for all forms of advertising or on the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) websi te (www. crtc. gc. ca) for radio and TV ads. Currently these guidelines are not enforced and rely on a voluntary paid-submission to ASC by the advertiser. Alcohol is one product that seems to have fallen prey to this lack of regulation with many advertisers outright disregarding the guidelines. In Ontario, there are alcohol-advertising guidelines that are overseen by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and can be found at www. gco. on. ca. Before 1997, the CRTC was involved in pre-screening advertisements before they were aired. In 1997, this responsibility was transferred to ASC for national cases, and the AGCO for Ontario specific cases. However, in 1997 the regulations changed to â€Å"guidelines†and preclearance was replaced with â€Å"voluntary submission†. As a result, the responsibility of monitoring alcohol advertising shifted from the CRTC to the general public, as advertisements are now only challenged based on a complaint format.Advertisers, fearing very little in terms of consequences, often disregard the guidelines completely, particularly the following: Alcohol advertising should not: appeal to persons under the legal drinking age associate drinking with activities that require care and skill imply that drinking is required in enhancing enjoyment of any activity imply that drinking is required in obtaining sexual opportunity or appeal64. A study done by CAMY in 2002 found that as the alcohol industry increased its advertising expenditures, more ads were seen by youth.In fact, all 15 of the shows most popular among teenagers included alcohol ads. â€Å"Survivor,†â€Å"Fear Factor†and â€Å"That 70’s Show†were among those with the most ads65. The dramatic increase in youth’s exposure to alcohol brands in magazine and TV advertising suggests that the industry’s guidelines are so permissive that, in practice, they amount to no limits at all. Concerned about the lack of re gulation and increase in alcohol ads – and as a result, increase in consumption – health and safety advocates respond to aggressive marketing with specific strategies, as discussed next. . 1 Awareness, Education and Skill Building The Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in Ontario (ARAPO) is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to provide resources and support to individuals and groups about media literacy and critical thinking skills as they apply particularly to 64 65 AGCO (2003). Anonymous (c) (2004). 13 alcohol. Resources include research papers and presentations to youth and health promotion professionals about the impact of alcohol advertising on youth drinking patterns, particularly heavy drinking. 6. 2 Internet ActionThe Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth uses a vivid Internet presence to attract viewers to their site to examine what others are doing around alcohol marketing. Along with a searchable marketing gallery and steps to take act ion, CAMY regularly publishes research papers on Youth and Alcohol. An example of this is a recent paper titled The Internet, Alcohol, and Youth, which looks at the impact of Internet alcohol websites on underage drinkers. It is available through CAMY’s website at www. camy. org. 6. 3 Complaints to Regulators and ResultsWhile ASC does not demand that advertisers clear their ads before going to the public, they do respond to complaints by the public. A recent example of this was the Don Cherry â€Å"Bubba†ad that was pulled following complaints that Don Cherry is seen as a role model for underage youth – and therefore could not be used as a spokesperson for beer. Groups like the Ontario Public Health Association, responding to concerns about the impact of alcohol advertising on the public’s health and safety, have sent recommendations to both the provincial and the federal regulatory bodies. These recommendations include: Continued pre-clearance of al cohol ads, at the final stage of production by federal and provincial bodies with a strong public interest mandate More effective regulation of lifestyle alcohol advertising, promotions and sponsorships Establishing clear guidelines regarding industry-sponsored responsible drinking messages and public education programs, particularly those appealing to, or directed at, young people Capping the total amount of alcohol advertising and introduce improved mechanisms for monitoring compliance with existing or new regulations Focusing on effective deterrence, monitoring and enforcement measures.This would include a stronger role for community groups in the monitoring and enforcement of federal and provincial advertising provisions, including membership in panels previewing and monitoring alcohol advertising66. 6. 4 Class Action Suits Against Alcoholic Beverages Industry Consumers’ attorneys across the U. S. have begun to target the alcoholic beverages industry, filing lawsuits that claim that some leading brewers and distillers are using slick advertising to sell products to underage drinkers67.In November 2003, attorneys led by David Boies III filed suit against brewers Coors and Heineken, distillers Diageo and 66 67 OPHA Position Paper (2003). Willing (2004). 14 Bacardi and the makers of Zima and Mike’s Hard Lemonade68. The suit accused the companies of using a â€Å"long-running, sophisticated and deceptive scheme†¦ to market alcoholic beverages to children and other underage consumers69†Boeis’ lawsuit alleges that alcohol companies place ads in magazines such as Stuff, FHM and Spin that appeal to males under the age of 21, or in Glamour, which is oriented toward females of similar ages70.The suit claims that ads placed in these magazines are designed to push people younger than 21 to obtain alcohol illegally71. The same is true in TV advertising, where many alcohol ads reach young people not old enough to drink. The class-action suits filed against the alcohol industry since November 2003 have caused alarm in the industry because the lawyer behind them is David Boies, who represented the Justice Department in its antitrust action against Microsoft72. The suits claim that booze ads targeted at adults spill over onto younger audiences73.According to another law suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court in 2004, AnheuserBusch and Miller Brewing are targeting minors through ads and developing products that look and taste like soft drinks in order to lure underage consumers to their brands74. The suit claims that beer-makers are marketing alcoholic beverages known as â€Å"Alco pops†to minors. These include Doc Otis’ Hard Lemon Malt Beverage, which is made by AnhesuerBusch, and Miller’s Jack Daniel’s Original Hard Cola. Both of these beverages closely resemble soda pop with sweet flavours, bright colours and youth-oriented packaging. CONCLUSIONThe domestic alcoholic beverages market is considered mature, with limited opportunities for growth. One way for alcohol manufacturers to increase their sales volume is by taking market share away from their competitors; another is to expand the overall size of the market. To achieve these goals, alcohol manufacturers continue to invest substantial resources and capital into their marketing strategies because they believe it is necessary for expanding the market and increasing their margins. It will be important that public health groups focus their research on certain elements in the marketing mix.These include where the product is sold and what are the broad social trends marketers are using to communicate with target markets. This analysis summarizes significant influences in consumer behaviour. This paper advises that efforts be directed not just to alcohol advertising, but also to the overall marketing strategy of alcohol manufacturers, and especially the techniques outlined above that encourage and influence selecti on. 68 69 Ibid. Ibid. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 72 Edwards (2004). 73 Ibid. 74 Anonymous (b) (2004).15 BIBLIOGRAPHY AC Nielsen. Bruchener, Andrew. Personal Conversation. March 2004. Taken from the ARAPO Fact sheet 2004. Advertising Standards Canada. (2004). Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code Provisions. www. adstandards. com. Accessed September 2004. Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. (August 2003). Liquor Advertising Guidelines: Liquor Sales Licensees and Manufacturers. www. agco. gc. ca. American Medical Association. (2003). Research and Facts about Youth and Alcohol. USA: AMA. Taken from the ARAPO Factsheet, 2004. Anonymous (a). (2003). News: In Brief. Grocer. Nov. 8. 226;7629:9. Anonymous (b). (2004). 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