Thursday, October 31, 2019

Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism - Essay Example U.S., which have faced terrorists’ attacks and other security threats in the recent past have also initiated these steps. Although, these constructive initiatives were to protect the people of America, certain sections of the population have raised opposition mainly regarding the privacy related issues. Their view is, these measures sometimes infringes upon the privacy of citizens and compromises their lives, social standing, economic status, etc, leading to a lot of physical and mental problems for them. This paper will first discuss US’s government initiatives to protect its vital digital assets, then will discuss how it is crucial to protect both personal privacy as well as classified national security information, and finally will discuss how these classified assets could be breached and the safeguards that can be taken. The United States government’s classification and protection system for certain crucial information is established with the aid of number of legal regulations and executive orders. That is, all the important information and all the related documents, files, etc., pertaining to national security are classified and protected from getting into wrong hands in the form of USA-PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security Act, FISA, etc. USA-PATRIOT Act (manufactured acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) was passed in 2001 due to the initiatives of the former US President, George Bush, and it provides for a lot of security measures particularly for digital assets. In 2011, President Barack Obama strengthened this act by signing a four-year extension for three key provisions found in the Act, particularly related to digital terrorism. That is, the â€Å"roving wiretap† power allows the â€Å"federal au thorities to listen in on conversations of foreign suspects even when they change phones or locations†. (Mascaro, 2011). While

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Community Policing and Anti-terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community Policing and Anti-terrorism - Essay Example The essay will attempt to link some of these agencies with the police department, community policing strategies and antiterrorism efforts. (Abrams, 2003) Community policing attempts to foster partnerships solve problems and transform organizations. One cannot underestimate the potential that community policing represents in terms of preventing crime. This is because community policing embraces all the stakeholders involved in crime prevention and it is also instrumental in dealing with the after effects of crime. Proactive policing is an issue that has gained a lot of acceptance in current policing practice. Research conducted in the late nineties indicated that this practice has increased by a whooping thirty percent. One would assume that such figures ill only increase with the passage of time. However, after a dramatic event such as the September eleventh attacks, it the police department was under pressure to adopt more conventional policing strategies. However, ignoring community policing strategies in terrorism prevention will be the wrong way to go because of the following reasons. First of all, community policing is a proactive strategy. It places more emphasis on prevention rather than response to crimes already committed. Furthermore community policing allows citizens and government agencies to participate in crime prevention by collaborating with the police. ... It usually moves away from a hierarchycal structure because this will slow down decision making problems and it will also reducing accountable. Instead, community policing fosters horizontal integration. Here, members of the organization; even those located in the lowest levels are given the mandate to make their own decisions. Normally, specific officers are given a specific area in their community. Cultural and geographical differences between the officers and the community must not be too intense in order to facilitate cooperation between the two parties. By bringing law enforcement closer to the community, the police department is empowered in the process of crime prevention. There are four main steps involved in problem solving and these are as follows; Scanning Analysis Response Assessment In the scanning phase, police asses what are the likely problems facing the community. Afterwards, there is a need to examine what could be the possible causes of those problems hence the analysis stage. Thereafter, there is a need to come up with solutions to these underlying causes; this constitutes the response phase. Afterwards, police are supposed o examine how effective their strategies were in dealing with the problem. It should be noted that these steps can become a cycle because whenever the last step is completed, there will be a need to make some changes in all the other stages too. It should be noted that community policing is quite advantageous because it takes account of the fact that the police my have some inadequacies when dealing with crime. They may not be fully aware of all the issues affecting a community or they may not have the ability to make use of all the resources necessary in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Contrast Media Used in Intravenous Urography

Contrast Media Used in Intravenous Urography Introduction Intravenous urogram is also known as intravenous pyelogram. It is a radiology procedure to view the urine system including kidney, bladder and ureter. Intravenous urogram is roughly examination allows the doctor to see structures like the cortex, renal, calyceal, renal pelvis, pyeloureteric junction, bladder and ureteric drainage. Among the problems that can be examined in this way is a bladder infection, kidney infection, bleeding in the urine, tumor, injury to the urinary tract after a severe external injuries, and several other related diseases. To carry out this examination, special materials required for these structures can be seen in the x-ray images. Special materials that are the contrast media. Contrast agent is injected into a vein in the body and it will be distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream, before it is eliminated by the kidneys. Often the contrast agent is injected through the median cubital vein, and images of some of the kidney resulting contrast image synthesis. There are several types of projections used in the trial of IVU. Projections are as full length KUB, KUB on your belly, cross-dim range reduced the renal kidney and upper ureter, oblique to the kidneys, bladder anteroposterior angle of 15 degrees to prevent bladder covered with pubic symphysis and the bladder oblique. Contrast agents can be viewed directly on the kidney immediately after injection and is known as nephrogram. This shows the contrast agent by glomerular filtered before reaching colyceal system. It is important to examine the renal outline, and can detect tumors, cysts or cortical scarring. He also produces initial information about the sign of kidney. After 5 minutes of an injection is given, calyces will be filled with contrast agents, which will then move down the ureter to fill the bladder. Contraindications Contraindications that should be known by the radiographers before any procedure is as renal colic, renal calculi, abdominal pain, abdominal surgery at the latest, after the patient gave birth, and the replacement of the kidney. This contraindication is important to avoid complications that may occur. Patient preparation before during the examination Patients are not allowed to drink a few hours before urogram examination. Patients are also asked to take a laxative to make sure everything is clean from the dirty material. If the patient is taking any medications such as blood pressure medicines, patients can continue taking these drugs unless prohibited by a doctor. If the patient is pregnant, the patient should be told radiographers working. Intravenous urogram was not performed on patients who are pregnant unless certain emergency cases. Patients will be asked to sign a document. This document is carrying all the risks, benefits and all the compilations that can occur. This allows the patient to understand all the procedures of this inspection. If the patient agrees to assume all risks and understand the procedures established, the patient can sign the documents and procedures will be carried out. Precautions before use of contrast media in intravenous urogram The reaction cannot be expected to contrast media, and all patients should be cared for and tidy during the procedure.  Of interest to examine the patient before performing any procedure should not be taken lightly.  This guide will allow the radiographers to carry out the procedure.  Radiographers should know the signs of the various reactions that occur.  There are many steps that must be taken before, during and after the use of intravenous contrast media.  The first, radiographers must know the patients health history.  Secondly, if the patient is a patient who had a high risk, radiographers must use low-osmolar contrast media. Among patients with high risk of the asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, and others.  Next, batch number and expiry date should be examined in contrast media.  In addition, radiographers must ensure that the contrast agents in body temperature.  Radiographers should also check whether or not the package has disterile.  Prior to this contrast media marginal, they should know the correct procedures, checking emergency equipment and know how to use these tools, and check the appropriate volume of contrast, the dose and the correct procedures. Intravenous urogram procedure Urografi intravenous test was initiated by asking the patient to remove clothing and wear a hospital gown provided.  Patients are also asked to remove all jewelry that was found in patients.  Then the patient will undergo blood tests to check whether the patients kidney function is good or not. After that, the patient will be laid on stretchers or x-ray table.  Then, the radiographers will take an x-ray images before contrast medium injection.  Injection of contrast media on the patient through an intravenous.  An intravenous cannula (IV) is inserted through a vein in the patients arm or hand.  Then, the contrast medium injected. X-rays are taken at the times specified.  Several sequences of the film will be done according to the test.  X-ray frequencies depends on the patients kidneys to menurus contrast media.  Normally, the kidneys would normally filter the contrast medium within 5 to 10 minutes.  Pesalit should remain a rest between each x-ray is taken.  Another imaging technique will be used in conjunction with intravenous urogram called kidney tomogram.  This is the imaging pictures of patient kidney in the slice condition. Nurses will assist the radiographers to check the patients pulse, respiration and blood pressure continuously.  Before the last x-ray is taken, the patient will be asked to empty their bladder.  This is to see patients when the bladder is empty. Intravenous urogram procedures completed when all the tracks clearly show the urine pictures x-ray.  The entire procedure takes about one hour. Procedure during injection During injection, radiographers must know where the Radiologist or a doctor may be contacted.  In addition, radiographers must constantly monitor the respiration rate, blood pressure, color and level of patient awareness. Procedure after the injection Radiographers should remain with the patient not less than 15 minutes.  when the inspection was made, check whether pesalit can return home safely or not.  do not allow patients to return if there are any complications. Film sequence Intravenous urogram test is one test that will need to use a lot of film.  This is because the procedure performed and requires much more structure posisisi patients body to be x-ray.  Preliminary film is the first film to be taken to the test.  Preliminary film using a film of size 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm).  The film will be placed under the patient.  the patient would lie with the projection AP abdomen to include the symphysis pubis and diafgram border.  This is to check the patients abdomen was doing inventory and to disclose any case of calcifications of the renal tract.  X-ray beam was centered in the middle of the level of iliac crest.  Additional X-ray taken to determine any akkan opacities present in the patients body.  35 degrees posterior to the renal area.  Preliminary objective was to examine the patients colon and bowel preparation to see patients.  It also seeks to identify the renal position to determine the exposure factors.  It is also to l ook at problems in kidney patients. Then radiographers will take x-ray film, called immediate.  The film will be taken immediately after injection of contrast media.  Film size 10 x 17 inches (24 x 30 cm) was used to film this immediate.  X-ray beam centered between the lower costal margin and xiphisternum.  Patients will be in a state of AP in the area to see renal patients kidneys when contrast is injected.  It aims to show nefrogram, renal parenchyma is opacified by contrast medium in patients with renal tubules.  The aim is to show the film immediate renal parenchyma to show neofrogram phase.  It is also to examine the size of kidney patients will be expanded from the original size after injection of contrast. After 5 minutes of contrast media injected in patients, radiographers will take an x-ray.X-ray called a 5 minute film.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (35 x 43 cm) used for this film.  Patients in the supine AP and AP projeksinya for renal area.  After 5 minutes of completion of the injection of contrast medium to patients, taking X-rays done full KUB shows the urinary system.  Taking pictures of x-ray taken at this time to determine the patients bowel movement is symmetrical and does not need to modify the technique for assessing needs.  For example, another contrast medium should be injected when the kidney is less opacification.  The purpose of a 5 minute film is to compare the flow of contrast agent by the two sides of kidney patients.  It is also to see the patients pelvis system.  5 minute film is also to examine the excretion of symmetry in both kidneys. After that, the film is taken 15 minutes.  This film is so named because the x-ray is taken after 15 minutes the patient is injected with contrast media.  Film size 10 x 12 inches (24 x 30 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray done 15 minutes after injection (10 minutes after the film 5 minutes).  The aim is to see the renal calyx system more clearly, the pressure is on this film series with kolimasi exposure on renal kawaswan.  Use of pressure rings are not needed when the patient shows any indication of renal calculi and in patients after surgery.  This is to avoid injury to the renal patient.  Perform head-down position when the pressure rings are not used. Then, release film taken after the 15-minute film.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray done after opening the pressure ring or for patients who do not use the pressure ring, the patient should be changed from the head down position to a reclining position.  The entire urinary system and bladder area should look at this film series. The last film was taken in a test called the film post void / micturate.  Size of film measuring 14 x 17 inches (43 x 35 cm) used for this film.  Taking x-ray performed after the patients bowel to empty the urinary bladder.  The purpose of the film post void / micturate was to assess the patients residual urine after urination.  It is also to see the ability to clear the patients ureter bladder.  It also showed no bladder problems such as tumors and divertikulum. Risk of Intravenous urogram examination Intravenous urogram is always carried out without any risks or problems.  This examination is a safe examination.  However, to ensure that all the conditions are really safe and to avoid any complications, patients should be caring and always sensitive to side effects.  The patient is exposed to radiation.  Rate of radiation received by patients was similar to the radiation received by all the environment for 14 months. If the patient is pregnant, this examination cannot be done.  This is because the fear of radiation can have adverse side effects on the content.  There are also some potential side effects experienced by patients after the inspection but it is very poor.  If there are any side effects, patients may feel hot or itchy and uncomfortable in the mouth after receiving an injection of contrast media.  It only felt by the patient for a few minutes. Patient care Care for patients after intravenous urogram examination is essential.  This is due to revive a patient of any effects after the test.  Radiographers should ensure that patients in stable condition.  Slowly open the needle and clean the place involved.  Give an explanation to the patient for follow-up care after testing is completed.  Ask patients to change their clothes after the completion of the test.  Radiographers should also advise patients to drink sufficient water to remove the contrast media from the patients body. Complication Complications may occur during or after the inspection.  Allergic reaction or allergy to contrast media is a major risk even kidney damage could be one of the complications.  If the patient has allergies to iodine, contrast material, has a problem hives, difficulty breathing, the patient should immediately notify the radiographers.  Detailed information and the patients medical history should be known in order to avoid any complications that may occur. CONTRAST MEDIA Introduction Clinical diagnostic radiology has been developed not only in terms of equipment and techniques used, but the contrast media allows visual structure and internal organs can be seen in more detail.  A dose of contrast media used in x-ray usually contains 2000 times as much iodine content of iodine in the body.  However, iodine contained in the contrast media will be removed in a natural system immediately.  Generally no side effects occur.  Selection of contrast media has always been a problem, but actually it depends on the radiologist itself.  To make rational decisions about the choice of contrast media have a high understanding of the principles of physical and physiological needed. Why contras media is necessary? The level of attenuation of all the patients affected by the atomic number of factors involved.  If there is such a large density difference between the heart muscle and the air in the lungs, the lines of the structure can be seen on radiographs as a natural contrast exists.  Similarly, if there are differences in the number of atoms between two tissues like muscle and bone.  Muscles consist of low atomic number instead of bone consists of calcium and has a high atomic number of lebiih.  Line structure can be seen because of the natural contrast.  But if the two organs that have the density and atomic number is not much difference, it is not possible to distinguish the structure of the organ in the radiograph because the contrast does not exist naturally. So, no way we could see the blood vessels in an organ or internal structure of the kidneys without the use of other substances or change the contrast.  Two important factors can be changed is the density and atomic number of an organ structure.  Number of atomic structure is hollow as the blood vessels can be added or promoted by filling the liquid has a higher atomic number such as iodine contained in the contrast media. Type of contrast media There are several types of contrast media used.  Contrast media can be differentiated based on the modality used.  Although there are various types of contrast media, the type often used is based on its x-ray attenuation and magnetic resonance signals.Contrast media can be divided into two positive contrast media and contrast media is negative.  Contrast material is used to enhance x-ray attenuation.  Positive contrast media materials give the white in the image. While the media are negative contrast material was used to portray the image black.Gadolinium is used in magnetic resonance signal as MRI contrast agents.  Gadolinium enhance the quality of MRI scans.  There are two types of positive contrast material is used in an x-ray of barium and iodine.  There are many types of existing iodine contrast media with different viscosities, osmolariti and iodine content. a) Non-iodine contrast media Medium contrast material is a white powder that was insoluble.  The powder is mixed with water and a few other extra components to make a mixture of contrast material. This material is generally only used in the digestive tract.  Normally this type of contrast medium ingested or given by enema.  Upon examination, this material will be removed from the body with dirty materials.  Non-iodine dimer is the best choice for a low toxic content.  However, non-iodine dimer has a higher price. b) Iodine contrast media Materials iodine contrast media is soluble in water and is not harmful to the body.Contrast materials are widely sold as a solution of clear, colorless liquid.  Concentrations are usually expressed in mg / ml.  Iodine contrast material is used almost in every human body.  Iodine contrast media is divided into three.  Contrast media containing iodine oil, iodine contrast media and water-soluble contrast media are not water soluble. Microbubbles were a contrast agent used to help sonographic echocardiogram.  These bubbles of nitrogen and supported by proteins, lipids or polymers.  Decrease in density between gas and liquid surrounding the bubble and will reflect back ultrasound.  This process causes the resulting image can be seen clearly. Effect of contrast media Contrast media are safe to use, but some health problems associated with some of the contrast media.  Reactions vary about the danger of death, with approximately 0.9 deaths per 100 000 cases.  These factors are invited to this dangerous reactions, including a strong allergy, asthma and heart disease bronchiol.  There are many misconceptions that exist among the professionals is the contrast between the media associated with allergic reactions to seafood because they both have the iodine content in it. However, few studies have been made and indicated that while iodine is a substance often used in contrast media, but it was not the cause of the allergy but it is better for patients with a history of other allergies.  However, there are also some patients reactions to contrast media.  Examples of such reactions are nausea or vomiting, feeling hot all over the body, while itching, sneezing, sometimes shortness of breath and hypotension.  Actual reactions depending on the patients own resistance. Way of contrast media given 1) Through Oral Contrast media is given by mouth by drinking or swallowing of contrast media.  Normally it is barium sulfate.  Giving oral contrast media will affect where the stomach will look white on x-ray film.  Contrast media containing barium sulfate is not harmful.  Barium sulfate is excreted out in a day or two days.  In all cases, the use of contrast media is not advised for pregnant women because of lack of conclusive evidence about how safe contrast media in pregnancy.  However, if this type of examination can save lives, the risks should be weighed again on a case-by-case. 2) Through Anal (small intestine and large intestine) Contrast media through the rectum or anal granted. Contrast media is inserted into the rectum with the help of rectal catheter. Rectal contrast media through which this will affect the large intestine will look white on x-ray film. In this way, the various organs or structures can be viewed and studied. 3) Through intravascular Contrast media is given by intravascular injection. Often, the material used is iodine-based contrast media. Most patients can be detained and given an injection of contrast media quickly removed from the body without adverse side effects. Iodine-based contrast media caused a warm feeling when injected. Sometimes patients may feel sick after receiving the injections. Therefore, patients are always advised not to take any food before any radiological examinations requiring contrast media. Rarely, iodine-based contrast media may cause an allergic reaction. Gadolinium contrast media are also given in the form of magnetic resonance imaging during the injection. Contrast medium is working to enable the organs that have good blood supply appears white on the MRI images. Selection of contrast media Radiologist choose the type of contrast media based on experience and knowledge. They choose the type of contrast media depends on the patients condition. To make decisions, various factors including clinical factors and financial factors are also considered to assist in making a selection. Royal College of Radiologist provide some guidance. Among the patients who are at high risk of reaction. Among them are children, the elderly, diabetics, patients suffering from asthma, and patients with allergies. In this group, 25% of patients were recommended for the test. How the contrast media used There are a number of radiological examinations using contrast media. Volume, different types of contrast media for each patient depending on the type of inspection and the need Radiologist. Angiography Angiography is the examination carried out to examine the blood vessels. Selection of arteriography and venography depending on what type of blood vessels to be inspected. Either vein or artery. Arteriography For arteriography, the contrast media through the catheter used in the arteries. Blood flow will lead to the loss of contrast media. With this, the image of the artery can be seen in organs or in other parts division. Venography For venography, contrast medium injected into the vein and vein travel throughout the body can be seen. The greater the size and number of veins in the body, the more positions that need to be made by radiographers to obtain images of veins throughout the body. Normally venography performed to confirm the patient has deep vein thrombosis. In the leg, venography was also performed on the organs in the body by inserting the contrast medium into the organ via the venous catheter. Intravenous urography (IVU) Intravenous urography is a check for a urinary tract. When an intravenous injected, most of the contrast media to be secreted by the kidneys. This inspection is performed to check whether there is any kidney stones or other kidney problems. Computer tomography (ICT) An electronic, ICT has a better contrast sensitivity. But it cannot create a contrast which does not exist naturally. A total of 43% of CT procedures using contrast media. CT is widely used in the body but are often used for examination of neurons as the brain and spinal cord. It is also used for examining the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. It is also useful for examining the tumor. Myelography Spinal cord and major nerves can not be displayed by x-ray without the use of contrast media. Spinal cord and other nerves can be displayed using MRI. Images can be produced if the contrast medium injected into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Contrast media have been created specifically for this examination. The majority of myelography made to examine the lumbar to confirm any clinical problems such as intervertebral disc out of the home. However, CT and MRI now has replaced myelography as the research lumbar. Myelography with CT scan was used to investigate spinal cord and cervical areas. Inspection of other There are several other examinations in which contrast media are needed. As an example of the contrast medium is introduced to the structure of such joints to study the anatomy and pathology. Iodine containing contrast media when given orally, it can be used to examine organs such as the small intestines. Responsibilities of radiographers Radiographers should be sensitive to the needs of patients are willing to help and should have a responsible attitude. Always willing to help the state to face and deal with an emergency procedure, especially when contrast media. Clearly and accurately describes the procedure of contrast media using language easily understood by patients. Cooperation of the two parties to produce a successful procedure. Conclusion In conclusion, much needed in the media kontas produces images that are clearer and brighter because it has the properties of radio-opect less penetrated by x-ray. It will also be a dangerous to the patient if the radiographers to take it easy patient safety.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nudity: Art or Pornography :: Essays Papers

Nudity: Art or Pornography People often end up on the opposite sides of the argument concerning the fine line between art and pornography. Artists sometimes include nude depictions or descriptions of the human form in their work. The artists and many other liberals and citizens of the art world argue that it is important for artists to feel the freedom to express themselves in any way that they wish. The problem with this liberty is that many people find the nude body offensive and believe that these images should not be considered art but pornography instead. This is a valid and important dilemma, but as Dennis Barrie describes art in a speech that was published in Art Journal, â€Å"†¦sometimes art is not beautiful, and sometimes it’s challenging, and sometimes it’s even offensive, and yet it can be art, even if it’s all those things† (Barrie 30). Artists should always be allowed to express themselves fully and not fear public reprimand despite the risk they may run of offending people who cannot appreciate their work. The United States has always prided itself on being a free country that values its first amendment. Many people agree that the most important right in the United States constitution is a citizen’s right to freely express him or herself. The problem in this situation is that people also value living in a country without fear of being offended. Our laws are created to protect one’s self as well as others. So, it is important to attempt to meet everyone’s needs as much as is possible in a free society. Dennis Barrie, director of Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati, was indicted and eventually acquitted for the exhibition of photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe, depicting nudity and human bondage. In 1991 Barrie spoke of the events surrounding the situation at the seventy-ninth annual convocation of the College Art Association in a speech called â€Å"The Scene of the Crime†. When Barrie described the day that the police entered the museum to remove the photographs he makes an important point, â€Å"More than anything, that image—that image of policeman in uniforms pushing patrons out of a museum because of what is on the walls—is the image that’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Because that isn’t our country, or it shouldn’t be our country† (Barrie 30).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Domestic Violence Act in UK Essay

Domestic can be defined in many ways but the simplest meaning is ‘involving the home or family’ whereas violence means an ‘act of aggression as one against a person who resist’. In addition, violence does not relate to relationship problem or issue but is social context of reflection of a man overruling woman. It happens to all walks of people in life despite of age, sex, race, assets and cartography. Notwithstanding, scoop by both male and female endure hurts during intimate relationship, domestic violence is greatly impact by both gender. Before the existence of the Acts and provision protecting the victim from the abuser many victims had suffer severe injury physically and mentally some had resulted death due to insufficient time to seek for help. Hence, in 1994 the United Kingdom the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service in its ‘Domestic Violence Policy’ applies to domestic vehemence in the limit of violent and abusive attitude. The civil remedies for these offences can be refereed to Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceeding Act 19761, Domestic Proceeding and Magistrate Court Act 19782, Part VI of Family Law Act 19963, Protection and Harassment Act 19974. Independent domestic violence counsellors assist victim and their children away from grievous harm from their spouses or family. There are a few organisation and agencies had achieved to get funds to support the victims of Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (DVAs) and Multi- agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) committee. To keep the interests of children at the centre of this research, the analysis was structured around the categories of rights set out under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)5 such as protection from abuse, fair treatment without discrimination, help in conquer emotion from abuse, stoppage of violence and involving in arrangement for children’s welfare. As time pass, in year 2004 the legislature had extend and amend the provision in Domestic Violence protection order (DVPO) under the scheme the authorities can allowed the victim to calm down and prevent them from harass of the spouses or family for 28 days as before there had been a lacuna due to the lack of evidence against the accused. The DVPOs were intended to solve implication gap in service by providing the victims shelter and counsel and other aids they need. With the implementation of these Acts the victims are able to receive protection and remedies from the right channel of people. The latest Bills and legislation was the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 6Act was present in 2003 and came into force in March 2004. The Act make prohibited to performing FGM in UK, prohibits girls from British national or permanent residence of the UK abroad o perform FGM whether legal or illegal in that country, prohibits aid, abet, counsel or procure the carrying out of FGM abroad and lastly sentence up to 14 years in jail ,or, a fine. According , to Lord Laming’s7 article and Eileen Munro’s analysis of protection against children were both found in spite of the differences8, as insufficient help are given to children who needs the essential care and help9. As children need’s will be ignored when most of the attention were placed on the adults disputes as a results what are the remedies were enforce to solved the children problem which brings great influenced in helping to grow in a positive environment and best method to help both abused children and parent. Protection to victims (married / unmarried) The sections in the Family Law Act 1996 10are made to protect victims and not abused them physically, sexually or psychologically against the victim. In addition, threaten in means of physically or mentally and sexually against the victim are protected under this section. The properties such as the orders dealing with who lives in the home, orders regards to their furniture, and other properties belonging of the victim are been protected from damage by any person and the section also spur on for victim to apply for such order in court for their safety. Non- molestation order In section 42 of the family law Act 1996 prohibits one (respondent) from molesting another person who is associated with the respondent include partners and former partners, family relations (including in-law), people who live(d) together, and, people who have children together. For instances forbids the abuser from threatening physical violence, intimidating, harassing, pestering. There is section requesting immediate protection against a child under s 44 of the Children Act 1989. This act may be made for a period of 6-12 months and an arrest can be made if the abuser breaches the order. The victim can however, a non-molestation order which is made in other family cases is terminated as the effect if those trials are withdrawn or dismissed. Occupation Order In section 33- 41 11governs the domicile of the victim and gives them the home rights such as restrain the rights to occupy or visit, force the abuser to move out of the house, avoid the abuser from coming into the house and a 100 meter protection length from the house. As this section can regulates for 6-12 months depending on the courts order. There is also an emergency order in this section which can apply within the last 1week. Magistrates Interpret Order Strictly and Reluctantly To Apply Ouster Clause In section 18 states the ground for magistrates court to give jurisdiction as according to the Domestic Proceeding and Magistrate Courts Act 197812, neglect or defection to be grounds on which a petitioner for financial provision order may take place. There won’t be any excuse for the judge to give jurisdiction out of the provision stated in the constitution. Appendices Financial Costs of Violence against Women Country or Region Total Cost Estimate Year Type of Violence Type of costs included New South Wales, Australia US $1 billiosn (A$1.5 billion) 1991 Domestic Violence Individual, government, employer and third party: health care, legal, criminal justice, social welfare, employment, childcare and housing. Canada US$2.75 billion (C$4.225 billion) 1995 Physical violence, sexual, rape, incest and child sexual Individual, government and third party: social services, education, criminal justice, labour and work, health and medical. Finland US$53.4 million (FIM296 million) 1998 Female victims of violence who sought help Direct costs incurred by health sector, social sector and criminal justice system. Netherlands US $80 million (NLG165.9 million) 1997 Domestic Violence Police and justice, medical, psychosocial care, labour and social security. New Zealand US$625 million to 2.5 billion (NZ $1.2-$5.3 billion) 1994 Family Violence Individual, government, third party and employer: medical care, social welfare and assistance, legal and criminal justice and employment. Switzerland US $290 million (Sfr.409 million) 1998 Physical and sexual abuse of women and children Police, civil justice, housing, refuge, social services and healthcare. United States US $5.8 billion 2003 Intimate partner violence Medical and mental health care, lost productivity and lost lifetime earnings. Source: UNIFEM (2003) Children and Domestic Violence Finding Source Method In 90% of domestic violence incidents children are present in the same or next room Hughes, 1992 A study of children living in shelters (refuges), USA 75% of mothers reported that that their children had directly witnessed domestic violence, 33% had seen their mothers beaten up and 10% had witnessed sexual violence NCH, 1994 A survey of women distributed via NCH Family Centres, UK In 25% of cases of domestic violence the male perpetrator has also been violent towards the children in the home NCH, 1994 A survey of women distributed via NCH Family Centres, UK 1 in 3 child protection cases also show a history of domestic violence in the home Hester and Pearson, 1998 Hester and Pearson, 1998 UK Data Finding Source Method 59% of young women and 27% of young men have experienced at least one sexually intrusive* incident before the age of 18 Kelly, Regan and Burton, 1991 Survey of 1,244 young people attending Further Education colleges, Britain 21% of young women and 7% of young men have experienced sexual abuse involving physical contact before the age of 18 Kelly, Regan and Burton, 1991 *includes ‘flashing’, being made to look at pornography etc. ** defined as acts ‘to which they had not consented or where â€Å"consensual† activity had occurred with someone 5 years or more older and the child was 12 years or less’. International Data individuals, USA Convicted male sex offenders reported an average of 533 offences and 336 victims each Abel, Mittleman and Becker, 1985 Self-reports of 411 convicted sex offenders, Canada 1 in 2 (49%) adolescent girls had been touched against their will Coker-Appiah & Cusack (1999) Ghana National Study on Violence 1998, survey of 2,069 women and girls suplemented by a five-year review of official records. International Data on Sexual Abuse   NOTE: prevalence and incidence findings vary widely according to the definition of sexual abuse that was applied in each study, the ages at which childhood is deemed to end (14/15/16/17/18), and the data collection methods employed. ï » ¿Domestic Violence Act in UK Essay Domestic can be defined in many ways but the simplest meaning is ‘involving the home or family’ whereas violence means an ‘act of aggression as one against a person who resist’. In addition, violence does not relate to relationship problem or issue but is social context of reflection of a man overruling woman. It happens to all walks of people in life despite of age, sex, race, assets and cartography. Notwithstanding, scoop by both male and female endure hurts during intimate relationship, domestic violence is greatly impact by both gender. Before the existence of the Acts and provision protecting the victim from the abuser many victims had suffer severe injury physically and mentally some had resulted death due to insufficient time to seek for help. Hence, in 1994 the United Kingdom the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service in its ‘Domestic Violence Policy’ applies to domestic vehemence in the limit of violent and abusive attitude. The civil remedies for these offences can be refereed to Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceeding Act 19761, Domestic Proceeding and Magistrate Court Act 19782, Part VI of Family Law Act 19963, Protection and Harassment Act 19974. Independent domestic violence counsellors assist victim and their children away from grievous harm from their spouses or family. There are a few organisation and agencies had achieved to get funds to support the victims of Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (DVAs) and Multi- agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) committee. To keep the interests of children at the centre of this research, the analysis was structured around the categories of rights set out under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)5 such as protection from abuse, fair treatment without discrimination, help in conquer emotion from abuse, stoppage of violence and involving in arrangement for children’s welfare. As time pass, in year 2004 the legislature had extend and amend the provision in Domestic Violence protection order (DVPO) under the scheme the authorities can allowed the victim to calm down and prevent them from harass of the spouses or family for 28 days as before there had been a lacuna due to the lack of evidence against the accused. The DVPOs were intended to solve implication gap in service by providing the victims shelter and counsel and other aids they need. With the implementation of these Acts the victims are able to receive protection and remedies from the right channel of people. The latest Bills and legislation was the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 6Act was present in 2003 and came into force in March 2004. The Act make prohibited to performing FGM in UK, prohibits girls from British national or permanent residence of the UK abroad o perform FGM whether legal or illegal in that country, prohibits aid, abet, counsel or procure the carrying out of FGM abroad and lastly sentence up to 14 years in jail ,or, a fine. According , to Lord Laming’s7 article and Eileen Munro’s analysis of protection against children were both found in spite of the differences8, as insufficient help are given to children who needs the essential care and help9. As children need’s will be ignored when most of the attention were placed on the adults disputes as a results what are the remedies were enforce to solved the children problem which brings great influenced in helping to grow in a positive environment and best method to help both abused children and parent. Protection to victims (married / unmarried) The sections in the Family Law Act 1996 10are made to protect victims and not abused them physically, sexually or psychologically against the victim. In addition, threaten in means of physically or mentally and sexually against the victim are protected under this section. The properties such as the orders dealing with who lives in the home, orders regards to their furniture, and other properties belonging of the victim are been protected from damage by any person and the section also spur on for victim to apply for such order in court for their safety. Non- molestation order In section 42 of the family law Act 1996 prohibits one (respondent) from molesting another person who is associated with the respondent include partners and former partners, family relations (including in-law), people who live(d) together, and, people who have children together. For instances forbids the abuser from threatening physical violence, intimidating, harassing, pestering. There is section requesting immediate protection against a child under s 44 of the Children Act 1989. This act may be made for a period of 6-12 months and an arrest can be made if the abuser breaches the order. The victim can however, a non-molestation order which is made in other family cases is terminated as the effect if those trials are withdrawn or dismissed. Occupation Order In section 33- 41 11governs the domicile of the victim and gives them the home rights such as restrain the rights to occupy or visit, force the abuser to move out of the house, avoid the abuser from coming into the house and a 100 meter protection length from the house. As this section can regulates for 6-12 months depending on the courts order. There is also an emergency order in this section which can apply within the last 1week. Magistrates Interpret Order Strictly and Reluctantly To Apply Ouster Clause In section 18 states the ground for magistrates court to give jurisdiction as according to the Domestic Proceeding and Magistrate Courts Act 197812, neglect or defection to be grounds on which a petitioner for financial provision order may take place. There won’t be any excuse for the judge to give jurisdiction out of the provision stated in the constitution. *includes ‘flashing’, being made to look at pornography etc. ** defined as acts ‘to which they had not consented or where â€Å"consensual† activity had occurred with someone 5 years or more older and the child was 12 years or less’. International Data Convicted male sex offenders reported an average of 533 offences and 336 victims each Abel, Mittleman and Becker, 1985 Self-reports of 411 convicted sex offenders, Canada 1 in 2 (49%) adolescent girls had been touched against their will Coker-Appiah & Cusack (1999) Ghana National Study on Violence 1998, survey of 2,069 women and girls suplemented by a five-year review of official records. International Data on Sexual Abuse NOTE: prevalence and incidence findings vary widely according to the definition of sexual abuse that was applied in each study, the ages at which childhood is deemed to end (14/15/16/17/18), and the data collection methods employed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Causes of Accounting Scandals Essay

The accounting entities and accountants of the world have defined several standards and ethical guidelines that need to be and must be followed by the accountants so that things are not misrepresented and no wrong information is provided to the investors. The accounting information generated by any company is generally used by external entities and stakeholders as well and hence it is crucial to maintain and define some standards and practices that serve the purpose and are in the best of interest of all the stakeholders of any organization. However, despite of the development and establishment of such specific standards and regulations, there are several fraudulent activities that take place and there are several accounting scandals that come into the picture from time to time. There are several factors that lead to such accounting scandals despite of the presence of the ethical guidelines and standards. The scandals are shown to occur because of the unethical behavior o f the employees and one major factor that may lead to the unethical behavior of the employees is the corporate culture developed and used in an organization. Every company adopts and works on a specific type of culture and the culture should always be such that is facilitates the overall learning and development of the employees. But at times, due to some gaps in the expectations and the culture actually defined, the employees start adopting negative and fraudulent measures, thus leading to scandals. Miscommunication can also be a major reason for the observed scandal in several cases. It is possible that certain guidelines or practices are mis-communicated to the people. At times, it happens to be that the person responsible for giving the information misses out or omits some information all together. And hence, the accounting scandals tend to occur not because of the deliberate effort of some employee or a bunch of employees but mainly because they were not clear of certain practices or standards. The lack of appropriate management and guidance in an organization is also an important factor that contributes towards the development of different accounting scandals. Irrespective of the roles and responsibilities of the employees, the management always needs to keep a check on the things that is happening and maintain a way of guiding and managing the employees. In conditions where the management fails to do so, there are certain differences that occur in the set guidelines and actual practices, which lead to fraudulent activities. Thus, there are several factors that can be responsible for the accounting scandals that have occurred in the past and will keep occurring in the accounting world. In addition to these factors, there are also certain individual factors such as lack of professionalism, lack of knowledge, financial benefit or gain that can lead to scandals. And hence it is a mandate for every company to develop ways to monitor and avoid such unwanted and undesired situations. Reference: